Trifire 7970 or wait for one 9xxx series card or one 7xx series card?

Aug 27, 2013
I currently have a 7970 that I got the day it was released, II am planning on buying 2 more so I can trifire, and play games on my 3 monitors.
I was wondering if I should get the 2 new cards for $600 in total and be running 3 7970's, or wait for the new cards and run one of each?
The reason for this is because the new cards will not be priced a $300 when they are released right? More like $600.

I was thinking about just keeping my single 7970, and waiting until the 8970s or 780s are like 300 dollars, but that will be almost a year before they become so cheap. So I don't know.

Should I wait, Should I not?

+1. A single 7970 is more than enough for right now, there is no reason not to wait and see.

+1. A single 7970 is more than enough for right now, there is no reason not to wait and see.

Well, A single 7970 is not good enough for 5760x1080 maxing most games. I guess I will wait until November latest.

Well you should have mentioned that was your resolution in the OP.

I still think you should wait, it's probably your best bet.


The OP states "I am planning on buying 2 more so I can trifire, and play games on my 3 monitors."
It is in the first line. Thanks for the advice though.

I promise i can read! Sorry i didn't see that. No problem.