triple monitor setup with two size monitors help

Peter Ricciardi

Jul 9, 2015
I recently got two monitors for my computer to make a triple monitor setup. One monitor is a 27" 1440p, the two flanking it are 20.70" 1080ps I got on a great sale. I like it, the pixel pitches are the exact same and they are the same series from acer, but I was wondering how to setup my computer to game on all three? I normally wont be doing it for high intensity games. But for say Civ V, or maybe Eve it would be pretty cool.

thank you.

Yeah, it isn't a good idea to have different sized monitors if you plan on triple or dual monitor gaming. For productivity, it is fine, but gaming, not at all. I'd stick to just playing on the 27" to avoid issues.
As cdabc123 said, you will have issues. I have both a 1080p monitor and a 720p TV plugged into my computer. If I was to change the TV to 1080p the colour looks off (more so than it already does) and if I leave it at 720p it doesn't scale correctly. These are issues you will have with different resolutions. If you had 3 monitors all at 1080p but different sizes, everything would run fine, but would still look weird being beside eachother, depending on the application.

Yeah, it isn't a good idea to have different sized monitors if you plan on triple or dual monitor gaming. For productivity, it is fine, but gaming, not at all. I'd stick to just playing on the 27" to avoid issues.