Triple Router Y-Configuration Slave Routers Settings


Dec 12, 2016
When doing Triple Router Y-Configuration to what do I set the "WAN Access Type" of the slave routers? DHCP Client or Static IP? Or something else? I struggle greatly trying to set up my AirLive WL-5460AP and Asus RT-AC68U as slave routers so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Also, would it maybe be possible to not connect one of the slave routers (ASUS) to the main router by wire but link them wirelessly instead?
I was basing my setup on, section "Running a Triple Router Y-Configuration (Devices on each network separated by their WAN ports)". For now I have somehow managed to do it (though not fully understanding half of the parameters), I have 2 slave (AirLive and Asus) routers, which broadcast 2 separate WiFi networks, wire-connected to the main Siemens router which has WiFi turned off now. The idea is for AirLive to have a stable setup for general household and for ASUS, which is a dual-band router, to be the one reserved for me, with which I could experiment without disrupting internet for the general household. I want to use it with Chromecast, Steam streaming and other high-performance tasks where fast local network is much more important than impeccable connection to the internet itself. So the idea is to move the ASUS to the room where I have my desktop computer so that it can be wire-connected to it and also to have a 5GHz network (which has quite a low range and difficulty penetrating wallls) functional in that room. I know the best solution would be to run an Ethernet cable from my main Siemens router to my desktop computer room but this would involve some works which I would like to avoid if possible. My internet speed is not stellar (10 Mbps), so I was thinking ASUS and Siemens might be able to maintain it on 2.4GHz band (both nominally at least 108 Mbps).
I am willing to try it at some point anyways, but am not really experienced in network setup and management, would I have to modify many parameters within my routers from my current wired setup?