So, I've set up a RAID 0 with two OCZ Agility 3 drives, and after hitting a few snags here and there I ultimately ended up having a stable system after several days. However, it would keep crashing (prior to it even launching). I check the file integrity, and every single time Origin got to 61%, my computer would freeze. So I ran CHKDSK, and sure enough, it found bad files. After not successfully repairing them, I wanted to replace one of my drives. Here lies the issue: after splitting my RAID setup, both drives seem to be fine. I've run CHKDSK on both of them with no errors showing up. Is it possible that the RAID itself was the issue, and that the drives are fine? Or is it more likely there's a problem I just haven't found? Any help is appreciated.
Much thanks, - Josh
Much thanks, - Josh