Trouble with Ethernet ip configuration


Jun 20, 2017
Hello everyone!
So the last couple of weeks I've been having this issue. When I turn on my PC sometimes the internet stops working for a while. For the past weeks it used to come back online after a bit. This was kind of frustrating so I decided to format my pc. The issue persisted after the format so I guess that rules out software as the cause. The same issue kept on until today when the internet wasn't connected when I turned on my PC and never came online. I'm using a TP AV500 link and running windows 10. When the internet isn't connected the light that indicates connection on the TP link is off. Also I get the message "Ethernet doesn't have a valid ip configuration" when I run the windows network troubleshoot tool. Could the issue be the TP link so I have to buy a new one or is it something else? Thanks in advance.
Here found this that seems to help if your situation is the same where unplugging and plugging back in fixes.....
If you have the specific bug where you can replug the adapter to fix the connection, you can stop the connection from dropping by sending data over it at regular intervals. One way to do this is to ping your default gateway (home router) at regular intervals.

You can add a Windows scheduled task for this:

Go to Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler> Create Basic Task...Enter any Name and click Next >Select When I log on and click Next >Select Start a program and click Next >In Program/script: enter ping and in Add arguments (optional): enter -t <address>where <address> is the IP address of your default...
Try resetting router to factory defaults. There should be a small reset hole on router probably on back. Like a toothpick size, and hold it in for 30 seconds while plugged in. The key is really to watch the lights and thatll tell u when to let go but ud have to look at your specific router directions to find out for sure. Usually 30-45 seconds is a good time. After you do that, unplug it from power for 15 seconds or so and plug back in. Settings will be reset including any custom SSID, passwords etc, but will be a way to rule out router.
Just seen it is an extender via power. Not too familisr with those. Resetting router still wouldnt hurt but with this extender a whole lot of other possibilities come into play
Here found this that seems to help if your situation is the same where unplugging and plugging back in fixes.....
If you have the specific bug where you can replug the adapter to fix the connection, you can stop the connection from dropping by sending data over it at regular intervals. One way to do this is to ping your default gateway (home router) at regular intervals.

You can add a Windows scheduled task for this:

Go to Administrative Tools > Task Scheduler> Create Basic Task...Enter any Name and click Next >Select When I log on and click Next >Select Start a program and click Next >In Program/script: enter ping and in Add arguments (optional): enter -t <address>where <address> is the IP address of your default gatewayClick FinishYou can start the task immediately by going to Task Scheduler Library, right-click your created task, and click Run

Ya sorry probably not router. I assumed it was a router you were talking about. Id deff try that ping thing it says fixes it. More info at that site, but says it is not noticeable on resources and keeps the connection live as it sounds like it is being disconnected similar to theirs. Does unplugging it and plugging it back in fix? If so id try the steps for adding that task. It will just ping the router and does not consume any data usage or network speed whatsoever.
You mean plugging the adaptor or the ethernet cable? I'm at work atm and can't check the ping thing. One day when the problem occured I tried resyncing the adaptor devices and I'm not sure if that action fixed it or it was already fixed anyway.

Yea, basically for that fix they are saying that since there is not a live connection or anything keeping it active that it will basically turn off, at least the connection, and if so that when they unplug the tp link and plug back in the wall it works again. For that issue, setting up that task to ping the router beginning when you log on will keep the connection active the whole time and it wont turn off anymore due to inactivity. By pinging the router intermittently the connection will remain on as it is active. That is if the unplug and plug in wall fixes it. Apparently according to that link it is a common issue for those extenders.
Or if you remember to every so often, not sure how often, ping manually via command prompt and typing ping or ping localhost or whatever that will keep connection active too
The main issue in my case is that 90% of times this only happens after startup. It won't happen randomly. This only happens when I turn my PC on and I won't have internet for like 4-5mins. Today I didn't have internet at all.

I would see if unplugging it from the power outlet and plugging it (tp link) back in causes the connectiom to be back on. If so id say it sounds like the common issue those others were hsving and fixed it by pinging constantly. Check in adapter settings from yhe network and sharing center. Find the adapter it is using, probably a local connection, and right click it and click properties. Then, if it has an option for "change settings" click it which should bring up a nesr identical window but more options. All th3 way to the top right may be a power management option. In that tab an option to allow Windows to disable the adapter to save power. Enabled by default. Disable it.
This is the only device connected with powerline tpnlink. everything else is connected with ethernet directly or through wifi. So without knowing what dhcp is I think there is merit to testing it.
Ultimately what I did is use a laptop to download the new program that the TPLINK powerline company provides. The UI is WAY worse than the last one as it is only reporting which devices are linked in the network. In my case I used 2 different laptops to track what is being detected on both ends of the connection and each end detected only its own device. Obviously there was no connection between them. In the new UI there is no option to search for devices and the "add new device" feature it mediocre at best. So what I did is reset one of the two devices to factory defaults (this is an option in the new program). After that the connection came back on. Not sure if this was needed or not but then I proceeded to reset the other one to factory defaults as well. After that I had no issues til the time I went to bed. This morning I woke up, turned on the PC and the yellow triangle was there again only briefly though. The connection became stable in 2-3 seconds and was working normally. That being said I don't think that the problem is "fixed" as when everything was ok the yellow triangle (I mean the icon that appears on the internet connection status) doesn't appear at all.
Yet another proof is the fact that before, when the computer was turned off 2 of the 3 lights on the powerline adapter were on (all but the internet one) and all 3 were turned on after the computer was turned on. This morning I noticed that when I turn off the computer now, all lights on the adapter are off. Then the 2 turn on when the PC is starting and after a while the third one turns on as well, and that's when I have internet. Not sure if it's a power-saving thing that got auto-activated somehow or there is another issue but I think this needs further investigation. I'm trying to avoid it but I think I may have to get another powerline link soon.

Lets think about this here, I mentioned it could be the problem I described in several posts, and linked to a site explaining it more. I suggested that you unplug the tp link and plug it back in next time it does it to see if it fixes it. I explained how the ping thing works and why it does work. I even put step by step directions on how to setup a task that automatically does it for you. But, now you have pretty much seen the issue and when you add in the description I'm about to give then maybe next time try unplugging the tp link and plugging it back in and if that fixes it maybe add that task so that automatic pings will go out whenever you are logged in so that the connection stays open.

You say that the 3rd light is off when pc is off and its the Internet light. Ok, well it probably is because there hasnt been activity on the connection and it disconnects when theres no activity. You said the yellow triangle was there for 2-3 seconds after first turning the pc on and then went to normal. Well, apparently some activity went on the line and activated the connection. You may have did a whole lot of extra, but doesn't hurt, just extra. Anyways, if you are hesitant on creating a automated task to start when you login, verify it is the issue first by unplugging the tp link from the power outlet, and back in to see if it fixes it next time it is not working while the PC is on. The PC would need to be on but not in use for however long it normally takes for the network to have issues. When it does, unplug tp link from wall, plug back in, if it works I'd highly suggest you check out what other people have said that have this device and what I tried suggesting from near the beginning.

Check here to verify Im not running you into crazy automated tasks....
Apologies for upvoting posts, I mean to click reply in the email notification and theres no going back when you click the wrong one, not that you are not the answer or anything, just didnt mean to mess up your question on the forum with appearing answered