Trouble with starting programs after recent update


May 9, 2017
Ever since the recent update to windows 10 I have been unable to start any programs without first troubleshooting the compatibility. I mean any program, it won't even let me start command prompt, to loading cursor just keeps spinning whenever I put it on the window I initialized the program from. It only works during the troubleshooting process, when the I click the "test program" button, even if I save the new "recommended" settings it just continues to not load every time I initialize a program. All of the programs I've been testing this with are up to date, I would appreciate any help I can get, Thank you
I would do a clean install. Backup everything you want to save on C and reinstall win 10. Something is wrong there and a fresh start would fix it. If command prompt worked we could run some fixes but you can't even get into that so blowing it all away and starting fresh is probably fastest.

if you have problems copying files off, try making this on another PC:

On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB
change boot order in BIOS so USB is first, hdd second
boot from installer
follow this guide...
I would do a clean install. Backup everything you want to save on C and reinstall win 10. Something is wrong there and a fresh start would fix it. If command prompt worked we could run some fixes but you can't even get into that so blowing it all away and starting fresh is probably fastest.

if you have problems copying files off, try making this on another PC:

On another PC, download the Windows 10 media creation tool and use it to make a win 10 installer on USB
change boot order in BIOS so USB is first, hdd second
boot from installer
follow this guide:

when you reach the screen asking for licence, click "I don't have a key" and win 10 will continue to install and reactivate once finished

On the screen where you choose where to install win 10, if it gives you an error about GPT drives, delete all the partitions on the hdd and press next. If it still gives error, cancel out of the installer and restart PC and start installer again, it will accept next on that screen this time (some PC just need a restart here)