Troubleshoot media player problems win7

bill machin

Mar 7, 2010
I'm running Windows 7 and Firefox browser. When I try to play a video, Youtube or other, the buffering drives me crazy. the video stalls, buffers, plays 30 seconds and does it again. What needs to be done to play a simple video on line?

Bill em:
you need to make sure you have a fast enough internet connection to stream it. YouTube videos you can load, then play once the video is loaded.

if your playing the HD version, you need to wait even longer for it to load. If you don't have a dedicated video card, make sure that the onboard graphics of your motherboard can handle the HD videos (look your mobo up on its website, or post it here).

give your PC's specifications...
and whats your internet connection like

Thanks. I appreciate this. I'm a bit limited but I'll give you what I can. I have a new Acer AMD lap top with Windows 7,, and my default browser is the latest Firefox. 3.1... (something like that)

I connect via WiFi at the local coffee shack and the connection is strong.. Full bars. No probs on the internet.
I don't opt for HD videos, mostly just look around youtube. 50% of the time, a video will load after a few seconds of buffering, and play. The other times, it will bog then load, then buffer every ten seconds.
Sometimes I'll get a video from a friend and it buffers, but won't play.
I have Windows Media Player and tried quicktime, but no improvement.
If you'll define [/quotemsg] I may be able to help on my end. I said limited, not incapable.. right?

I may be able to help on my end. I said limited, not incapable.. right?

'Full bars' tells you nothing about your internet connection speed, just how strong the connection is to the router.

In a coffee shop you are likely to be sharing a connection with plenty of other people, and even if the shop is empty, I wouldnt be surprised if the employees have laptops in the back hammering the connection with bittorrent while they're at work.

You could find a speedtest program (do a google search) to find out what the actual attainable transfer rates are.....