Intel D845PEBT2 motherboard (OEM for vprMatrix), Northwood P4 2.66 GHz, AGP video.
No onboard video. I have tried AGP - Radeon 9800, Ti4200, GeForce2 mx200 and mx400. Swapped RAM. Swapped PSU. Replaced onboard battery. Reseated CPU. Reset BIOS - no battery and no power for 1 hour+.
Symptoms - no RAM, get beep. With RAM no beep and no post. LED on motherboard is lit, CPU fan spins.
Prior to complete failure: Monitor died. Hard power off PC. Replace monitor. Windows won't boot complaining that it could nit load an file (don't have complete message). Several problems trying to reload windows. Replaced PSU. Succeeded to do widows restore from OEM disk (vendor restore, no XP CDs). PC booted, loaded SP2 an all patches. Several successful reboots. Removed video drivers to ready for install of Radeon 9800. Install Radeon 9800. No boot, no post.
I have removed all ide and usb connections. PC stripped down to RAM. AGP video, keyboard, CRT monitor. No post.
I am out of ideas. Is this system dead?
No onboard video. I have tried AGP - Radeon 9800, Ti4200, GeForce2 mx200 and mx400. Swapped RAM. Swapped PSU. Replaced onboard battery. Reseated CPU. Reset BIOS - no battery and no power for 1 hour+.
Symptoms - no RAM, get beep. With RAM no beep and no post. LED on motherboard is lit, CPU fan spins.
Prior to complete failure: Monitor died. Hard power off PC. Replace monitor. Windows won't boot complaining that it could nit load an file (don't have complete message). Several problems trying to reload windows. Replaced PSU. Succeeded to do widows restore from OEM disk (vendor restore, no XP CDs). PC booted, loaded SP2 an all patches. Several successful reboots. Removed video drivers to ready for install of Radeon 9800. Install Radeon 9800. No boot, no post.
I have removed all ide and usb connections. PC stripped down to RAM. AGP video, keyboard, CRT monitor. No post.
I am out of ideas. Is this system dead?