The <Mod Edit> is going to settle shortly after the first of the year coming.<G>
Neither of my i7 2600K (Brutus) nor 3770K (Bruno) systems seem to "meet spec" but my AMD 3700X (Newbox) does.
But I'll bet they'll be able to run it quite well once it lands and is sorted. If not, well I use XP, W7, and W10 plus W11 on the Newbox AM4 system doesn't add much.<G>
I was concerned a new system might be needed. So far, NOPE. The AMD is top of the heap for now.
Am thinking about bumping the AMD from 3700X to 3950X, but the cost is high and as a non-gamer I can't see any real advantage in doing so since quite a bit of my work is done in XP via VirtualBox with old apps.
So long as VirtualBox can run on W11 I'll be happy enough.