Trying my first pc build


Nov 18, 2014
I'm trying my first build and could really use some good advise. I've ordered a fx8350 cpu and I need to find a good motherboard , I have looked at dozens of options but the reviews all seem a little confusing to me. I don't mind spending a little bit more for a really good product ( 200 - 250) but I keep reading about boards that crap out after a few months or are doa, just don't want to get burned. If anyone could help me that would be great.

P.S. my planed build

AMD fx 8350
MSI R9 270
16gb Hyper x memory
1tb wd blue hd
MB ?

For the mobo? Yes. The mobo I chose has some nice features it has everything you'll need including support for SLI, Crossfire, and USB 3.0. This way you can upgrade in the future and you wont have replace your mobo.
I'm figuring about 1000 to 1100 all done. Allready have cpu, coolmaster t4cooler, r9 270,and a midtower case. I just don't know what mobo to get. I don't plan to do any heavy over clocking.

Unless you are rendering 3D models, or doing very heavy video editing yes it is unnecessary. But since you are planning to upgrade later if you want to get it for the sake of overkill then go for it. Though you will never utilize it.

For the mobo? Yes. The mobo I chose has some nice features it has everything you'll need including support for SLI, Crossfire, and USB 3.0. This way you can upgrade in the future and you wont have replace your mobo.