Trying to build a primarily streaming PC and maybe the occasional game(700-1000). Please Help.


Jan 21, 2016
Okay everyone that looks at this : I'm trying to start my hobby up by making YouTube videos and streaming game play and i was looking into to getting a better PC. Right now i have a laptop i highly doubt it will be good enough to handle streaming. Ive been researching tons of things but i dont fully understand what im doing honestly and i want to learn so please help me. I just want to be able to stream well and edit videos and all that good stuff. Maybe play one or two games im primarily on PS4 so im not looking to game heavy. And if you could please include the operating system. And maybe include a SSD if possible if not its completely fine.

Thank you so much for your help i will look into this! Really thanks i can not be thankful enough.

Hi, here you go -
Profoundnoah's build is not any bad, but you will feel I7 over fx 8320 A LOT in streaming and rendering.
BTW I've got almost same build, and It's amazing, PC boots in 2 seconds from bios (don't install anything on SSD except windows) and I can run everything maxed out without any problem, overclock too nice I7 @4,4GHz and R9 380 1160Mhz on core, 6300Mhz on memory. Temperatures are uner 72C and voltage is unchanged
For the GPU, you won't get any big boost from 380X over 380.

Yeah, i forgot i'm sorry for that, then would go for GTX 950(or for some used r9 280/290 if he can get it cheap)... System i would take Windows 8.1, later he can upgrade to W10 for free,