Trying to build mobile desktop


Jun 28, 2011
So, I was shopping for gaming laptop and thought, there is no such laptop system that lets you upgrade your parts over time as easily as desktop computer, why not build a very small portable desktop computer and take it wherever you go?

I commute from home to school and it sucks that my tablet 2-in-1 is great for note taking and all, but it cannot handle a game as simple as League of Legends well at all. Given my schedule that bottlenecks me from taking multiple things and my budget, I was thinking it might be better to build a very portable desktop that might accompany my gaming needs on the go.I haven't had much experience in this, so what I would like to ask is:

Would building such system possible? And if so, would it be better to build one with mini ITX or micro ATX?

I am looking to build one that would all fit into my school bag and something that would end up in 500 dollar budget-ish. I think I will be able to get one of those portable screen for around 170 dolars, so the system would get around 330 to 430 dollar budget. Looking to run League of Legends, so that would have to be around 2.5 GHz CPU and maybe APU? I think one HDD is fine, and around 8 GB RAM. Motherboard with bluetooth and wi-fi connectivity? I think that's doable right??

Without going into one long tirade as to how and why this isn't possible...

To run something so low on the demand scale of games as can get a $500 laptop with any kind of nvidia/radeon mobile gpu. It will run totally fine.

LOL requires the same resources as minesweeper really.

Just to let you think a little into why your portable pc idea wouldn't work:

1. Where would the power come from?
2. What screen would you plug it into?
3. Where will you get anetwork connection?
4. Pc parts are fragile, how will you fit a box of any size in your schoolbag and carry it safely?
5. How would you control your mobile pc? With your thoughts?
6. Are you dreaming? (The answer to that one is yes)
Just for the desktop you would be looking at something the size of 4 14" laptops since you need a gaming computer that can actually fit a full size gpu and full size power supply.

You would then need to carry a monitor, anything remotely easy to travel with would be small, low resolution and horrible refresh rate.

Then there is the obvious issue of needing 2 power outlets (or you could wheel around a gas generator)

Until they make laptops modular:
Mobile - performance - upgradeability: PICK 2
1. I will be in the university, so there is plenty of power plugs to go round
2. there are many portable screen options, including makers of GeChic
3. network connection can be found using university network
4. my school bag is mostly empty because I only carry a tablet for all my textbooks and note taking.
5. controls? mouse and keyboard? I already have wireless ones.
6. yes, I am dreaming, but that's where all ideas come from.

Portable monitors tend to use USB power source, though I don't think that would be an issue when you are in a university, and they have more than enough power outlets. In terms of monitor quality, yes they would be diminished, but I am finding out that they do make portable monitors of somewhat okay qualities.

So if your mind is made up on the matter, why are you posting? Just seeking approval??

Do it, buy yourself an ITX gaming rig and carry it with you all day, then play games on your tiny monitor with poor refresh rates.
It will work out great that it is upgradable, thus you can buy better parts when it gets damaged in transit.
ummm;;; not seeking approval, but as my mind is not settled on the matter, and my knowledge on the matter is very limited, so I was probing around the idea with better minded individuals who could answer me if such things were possible, if possible, what could be the bottlenecks of the problem that is fixable, and what are other alternatives.
come on guys, did people stop dream about what could be's and what can be's anymore??


Its fine to dream about what could be, look at todays cell phone vs 15 years ago.
The difference is engineers dreamed about how they could make the phone so much more powerfull and worked on all the technology to make it happen, vs making a backpack computer/phone that does not do either job that well.

We are telling you the drawbacks and limitations but you are not wanting to listen to them.
The drawbacks/bottlenecks of what you are wanting to do is not fixable. You cant make it lighter, you cant make it sturdier without making it much heavier and bigger, you cant make the screen better for gameplay without buying a full monitor.

Its not that we just don't want to think outside the box for a feasible solution, its that there is no feasible option without huge sacrifices in quality, durability and massive logistical inconvenience.

Are you from f***ing 1981?

Get a damn gaming laptop, which is all the things you describe and stop trolling us.