I'm still dealing with an earlier situation, having no optical drive and no drivers, no internet, and no USB ports working to be able to load drivers on my downgrade from Win10 to Win7. HP told me to go back to 10. Baaah. My work platform is still not compatible with 10. Anyway, I am trying to use a slipstream method to load drivers and 7 at the same time, but I've run into another problem. I need to get back to Windows 10 so I can attempt another Win7 install, but Windows 10 is not available anywhere I look. I know it is still there, as windows.old has Win10 files in there, but I did not partition correctly to have a dual login. When I try and delete Windows 7 under system config and boot, it is the only current os and default os. The delete button will not light to delete Windows 7. I just need to revert back to 10 so I can retry downloading Windows 7 with slipstream drivers. Hoping someone can help. Thanks