Trying to figure out if my psu can support my graphics card

Jul 24, 2018
So i am in the proccess of buying GeForce GTX 770 2GB - Gigabyte Windforce Edition OC but im afraid my psu sucks to much so if any of you can confirm or deny my fear it will be great the psu is LC600H-12 V2.31 - Office Series

Will it fry my system or will it work and if you have any suggestions if i should buy a diffrent psu or gpu

100 seems a little high for a 770. I think you can find a better deal. Not sure on your location, but you may be able to get a 1050ti for around that price or a used 970.

one more question if im going to swich out my psu is the Inter-tech ATX PSU SL 700W a good choice?
Change the PSU. If you get a different GPU you will still have the low quality PSU. There are a lot of cheap PSUs on the market and they can damage your components if they malfunction. The more stress you put on the PSU, the more likely it will fail.

I suggest getting a quality PSU from Seasonic, EVGA, or Corsair.
GTX 770 is very power hungry card - 230W TDP. Minimum recommended PSU for it is 600W.
Your PSU can provide less than 480W (2x 12V rails 20A each).

If you' re running it also with power hungry cpu, multiple hard drives and more, you might hit PSU limits.

Inter-tech ATX PSU SL 700W is not any better than your current PSU. Can provide less than 500W (2x 12v rails 25A each).

im running a intel pentium g4560 with a toshiba 500gb hard drive is the Inter-tech psu CombatPower CP-750W Plus 750W a good swich?