TRying to find a Budget Motherboard. Cant find a Fit

Jan 22, 2019
TRying to find a Budget Motherboard for my Build using 9600k as Cpu in ATX Mid-Tower. with Overclock a bit but not extremely. going to be 1080p gaming. will also wanting it to be future proof for a while. every motherboard i find it has issues Need some great Mind Ideas. Don't want to spend more than $135.00
I think the Asrock pro 4 you already selected would be a fine fit in that price range. You wont get much better than that for under $135. What issues? If you are going off motherboard user reviews they are in my opinion largely useless unless you see a lot of people complaining about the same thing, most of the time issues people have with motherboards are due to user error from little to no expiernce building PC's.