Trying to install Windows 8.1 on newly built pc using a USB.


Jun 22, 2015
Every time I try, though, it comes up with a new error. First it was "whea uncorrectable", then it was "APC mismatch" or something, and then it told me it wasn't partitioned properly. Now, it's just automatically resetting and starting over at the initial "start installation" page What might I be doing wrong?

My motherboard is a Maximus vii Hero, and I've tried installing on every combination of my SSD and my hard drive.
Update the BIOS first then see if it works

That whea uncorrectable stop error is CPU related. It maybe a CPU bug, and it can also mean youre overclocking. If youre overclocking set it back to the default settings

What did you use to put it on a flash drive?

I thought I might have to update the BIOS, but I wasn't sure how. I'm definitely not overclocking, though, I double checked. And first I just used the default Windows installer and put it on the flash drive when it asked, and then when that didn't work found a link on here about the USB/DVD download tool, and tried that, with no more success.

I downloaded it through school, so it was just an executable install file. At first I put it straight into the flash drive, then I tried an ISO, which I copied onto the flash drive with the aforementioned USB/DVD download tool.

It seemed to. No errors or anything while it was extracting, and the size matched up, and all that.

Updating the BIOS worked. Now it won't recognize the network adapter, but one thing at a time.