Trying to pick RAM for Z87-Deluxe build.


Sep 10, 2013
I'm not too positive on which RAM to pick for my new build. Going to be working with a Z87-Deluxe motherboard and the i7-4770K.
I'm looking to start out with two sticks 8gb each. A few of the things I was thinking include these:
1.) G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series
2.) Patriot Viper 3 Extreme Performance Black Mamba
3.) Kingston Hyper X Beast
I wanted to keep the price around 150 as most of these are in different sites, but I'm eager to hear what everyone has to say/ recommend!

Looking at both the snipers and X series, why would you say there is a 10$ difference? And are the X series being 10$ more any reason to deter from them?
Not positive which set you are looking at - guessing the Either the Red or Blue RJ X set that runs at CL10 and has a model # that ends with a L (if so it's one of the RJ X low sets (they also have M - medium and H - High sets) difference being the probable OC ability of the set....the L sets often have a higher CL than the better performance sets that would come in at CL9 or CL8 in 1866 - if I'm guessing right the Snipers are a CL9 set - better than the 10 set both in base performance in OC ability
Hi, if you already have the mobo or know exactly which one you want, i would go to the manual and see if there is a list for compatible rams.

I say this because I'm currently running into a compatibility issue.. I got the Ripjaws 2x8gb and my mobo doesn't think it's compatible, although just by looking at the specs, everything seems fine, but later I realized that the ram wasn't on the compatible list on mobo's manual.
I was looking at these, G.SKILL Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 2133 (PC3 17000) Desktop Memory Model F3-2133C9D-16GXH. And here are the stats to them.

DDR3 2133 (PC3 17000)
Timing 9-11-11
Cas Latency 9
Voltage 1.6V
While the ones I looked up that you posted, G.SKILL Sniper Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1866 (PC3 14900) Desktop Memory Model F3-1866C9D-16GSR. Have these stats.

DDR3 1866 (PC3 14900)
Timing 9-10-9-28
Cas Latency 9
Voltage 1.5V
The top is 10$ more.