Trying to pick the right stick... (Corsair vs G Skill vs Kingston)


May 10, 2015
So like a complete knuckle head, I ended up with 3 8 GB sets of RAM and I would like to keep 1 and send two back. I could kind of care less what it looks like but I keep reading about differences in CAS and I'm curious if I could even tell a difference.

My proc is a Xeon 1231 v3
My mobo is an Asus H97 Plus MATX (and the mfg website says it can only even handle RAM up to 1600)

My 3 sets are:
Corsair Vengeance LP 8GB 1866

G Skill Sniper 8GB 1866

Kingston HyperX Fury

If I am reading all this stuff right, the Corsair and G Skill have CAS of 9 (although some readings give multiple figures and it appears the G Skill is better). The Kingston appears to have a CAS of 10.

Does any of this really make a difference to a guy mostly working on big Excel files, running math simulations and occasionally playing Quake or Minecraft?
For ram, the first consideration is getting enough.
Actual ram speed means little for intel processors.

Your real problem is finding 4 sticks that match well enough to run at all.

You could test the various combinations to see if you find something workable.
It is hard to get 4 sticks of even the same product number to work together; that is why ram is sold in kits.
But, I really recommend sending all three kits back and buy a single 2 x 8gb kit of ddr3 1866 1.5v ram.

the 1600 speed you see in the specs is what the ram will run at until you can get into the bios and pick the 1866 XMP speed.

How does this set look?

or this?

wow -- big price difference for what looks so similar, huh?
They look good to me.
If you want to be absolutely certain, go to theweb site and access their ram configurator.
Enter your motherboard and verify tha the kit is compatible.
Corsair, G.skil. Kingston and others have similar compatibility checks.

On some rare occasions, the internal construction of a ram kit is important to a particular motherboard.
With a compatible kit, you will get support from the ram vendor if you have any issue.

The difference is that the vengeance is faster cas 9. Worth perhaps 1-2% in real app speed
Plus vengeance is a brand, and has a fancy heat spreader which sells(but is useless)