TS Clients disconnect sporadically??

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Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client (More info?)

I am running Terminal Server on a Windows 2003 Server Standard edition. The
problem I'm experiencing is that the clients attaching to the server through
our DSL line are disconnected with some frequency. However, when I connect
through our LAN I can stay connected indefinitely. Also, while I have TS
set up to reconnect a disconnected session it seems like the clients do not
reconnect but start a new session. The clients are running W2K with current
udates and they are running Remote Desktop Connection downloaded from MS web
site. There are a total of six users possible although typically only four
are on at any given time.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsnt.terminalserver.client (More info?)


There are many reasons cause "disconnect" problem. Base on my experience,
firewall and VPN may drop any idle TCP (RDP is run on TCP) sessions and
cause unexpected disconnect on your Terminal Service session.

Please check your session status should be "Active" instead of
"Disconnect"in Terminal Server Manager if your session is disconnect due to
above case. If the session status is "Active", you cannot reconnect to the
server with the same session!!

George Kwan

"Peter R. Vermilye" <pvermilye@no.spam.desotosystems.com> ¦b¶l¥ó
news:Ot4HDUNHEHA.2612@TK2MSFTNGP09.phx.gbl ¤¤¼¶¼g...
> I am running Terminal Server on a Windows 2003 Server Standard edition.
> problem I'm experiencing is that the clients attaching to the server
> our DSL line are disconnected with some frequency. However, when I
> through our LAN I can stay connected indefinitely. Also, while I have TS
> set up to reconnect a disconnected session it seems like the clients do
> reconnect but start a new session. The clients are running W2K with
> udates and they are running Remote Desktop Connection downloaded from MS
> site. There are a total of six users possible although typically only
> are on at any given time.