News TSMC 1.6nm update: Tangible improvements, but new challenges emerge

I think CPUs are going to need heat-spreaders on both the top and the bottom.

A heat-spreader on the bottom with the contact-pins going through it. But, even if the backside heat spreader is made of diamond, it seems like it could get complicated. And, nobody is using diamond as a heat spreader.
Some people are working on that idea already.

We can already grow defect free diamonds in the lab/start up industry.
This has been happening for several years. The goal is to get chip size diamonds grown first.
Then these are sliced into "SEEDS". These seeds would grow more in thickness and slightly larger in diameter . Then would then be sliced into thin wafers for sale or new seeds.
Originally Started as a final replacement for silicon. when shrinking node size is no longer possible.
I wonder if BSPDN is going to be an optional feature like it is on Intel's 18A. Given that both Intel and TSMC have indicated the cost increase isn't negligible it makes me wonder if we're going to see a separation of major features like this as nodes shrink in general.
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I wonder if BSPDN is going to be an optional feature like it is on Intel's 18A. Given that both Intel and TSMC have indicated the cost increase isn't negligible it makes me wonder if we're going to see a separation of major features like this as nodes shrink in general.
It seems like the whole point of this half-node (BSPDN was supposed to be introduced earlier but moved to A16). Expense is to be expected with bleeding edge nodes anyway. They might have further budget nodes that remove it but I hope they don't since there is a significant impact on performance and particularly efficiency.
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I wonder if BSPDN is going to be an optional feature like it is on Intel's 18A. Given that both Intel and TSMC have indicated the cost increase isn't negligible it makes me wonder if we're going to see a separation of major features like this as nodes shrink in general.
I suppose it is intended that who don't benefit from BSPD will stay on N2P.
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Мисля, че процесорите ще се нуждаят от разпределители на топлина както отгоре, така и отдолу.

Топлоразпределител на дъното с контактните щифтове, минаващи през него. Но дори задният разпределител на топлина да е направен от диамант, изглежда, че може да стане сложно. И никой не използва диаманта като разпределител на топлина.
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