News TSMC Asks Partners to Delay Fab Equipment Deliveries: Report

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Sep 15, 2023
TSMC asks to delay delivery of chipmaking tools because of demand uncertainties and Fab 21 setback.

TSMC Asks Partners to Delay Fab Equipment Deliveries: Report : Read more
I have no idea where you get your info from but, TSMC North Phoenix has not slowed down on receiving ASML and Applied Materials equipment. I have been picking up directly at LAX and delivering the latest DUV systems since the beginning of Jan 2023. They actually have 2 more machines coming in this weekend LAX Saturday 7/16 and Sunday 7/17 at Mesa Phoenix Airport. I see what machines are going where and when. TSMC has been receiving almost monthly a new machine from Veldhoven, Netherlands. Texas Instruments Richardson TX is doing well. Their additions to their Sherman Fab are coming along with ASML delivering early next year. Samsung Taylor Texas is coming along too. TSMC is its own problem. Their not used to working with Unions and are creating problems that Intel Chandler just down the street is continuing to add another Fab with No issues. Between Phoenix and Texas both are busy the rest of the year getting product from ASML.
Sep 16, 2023
The real reason is because American companies are disrespectful to the company's property. They vandalize the equipment that cost millions of dollars, they sleep on the ground an waste time, they don't follow clean room policy's. I'm not surprised why taiwan want more Taiwanese to be working there. They do the work without complain.
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