Tube for Watercooling


Nov 7, 2014
Hi Guys,

I have been looking at doing a custom hardline loop and have come across using a coloured coolant and I thought I was content with that. Then I come across chrome coated brass tube and now Im not sure which I like better.

I could use the chrome tube with nickel blocks and a coloured coolant and get the best of both worlds but I figured some outside advice could come in handy

Don't use a colored coolant, please. Especially not with hardline tubing. It will stain, it will encourage growth of various critters, and aside from the first few weeks, it won't look all that amazing.

Either use colored tubing or that pretty chrome stuff (Though you do not want to mix brass and nickle; it's not as bad as aluminium, but it will still corrode over time.)

The only thing that you should have in your liquid is water, a pure silver killcoil, and if you're an adherent of it, a few drops of dish soap.
Don't use a colored coolant, please. Especially not with hardline tubing. It will stain, it will encourage growth of various critters, and aside from the first few weeks, it won't look all that amazing.

Either use colored tubing or that pretty chrome stuff (Though you do not want to mix brass and nickle; it's not as bad as aluminium, but it will still corrode over time.)

The only thing that you should have in your liquid is water, a pure silver killcoil, and if you're an adherent of it, a few drops of dish soap.