News Turn-Based Strategy Game Allows You To Run a CPU Company

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Deleted member 2731765

Why are you posting this news now after 6 years ? This game never saw the light of the day, and the project was abandoned way long back in 2018. The game didn't even pass the proper beta stage testing.

There have been no updates since 2017. A group of college students were involved in this unity3d project.


Jun 25, 2018
Nah, so as ChatGPT tells you how to build a CPU, next step in the game is the quantum world-domination.
In Iran, they already have photo verified playthroughs.
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Jun 3, 2023
Why are you posting this news now after 6 years ? This game never saw the light of the day, and the project was abandoned way long back in 2018. The game didn't even pass the proper beta stage testing.

There have been no updates since 2017. A group of college students were involved in this unity3d project.
Let me ask this magic ball one second.
It's insane that you'd even write that, let alone keep it online...

As for Tomshardware, this is awesome, really hope the influx of people can somewhat add a bit of life back into it.


Nov 19, 2013
Hi, I started development, although with a different name and programming language (C++, Advanced Macro Devices: Deadlock Tycoon, I'm determined to complete it. But not sure how much time it will take. Maybe 1-2 years. I'm doing this on my spare time.

First one was abandoned because no body kickstarted it as it was very early stage & had no development time.

This time, C++ performance (multithreading, opencl gpu acceleration, etc) is going to be used for bigger pool of NPCs with even bigger CPU design areas such as a grid of 25 to 10000 (not limited but up to player skills) cells where each cell can be a module like a bus node, cache controller, cache bank, control unit or an alu. When minimal playable state is achieved, I'll add some friends to help development(again, in spare time). Maybe then I can get a kickstart from AMD. Even if no one helps, it will be developed, just at a lower pace. Because I need to play such a game and it won't develop by itself.

Expecting the simulation (RTS part) to benefit most from multicores & big caches, similar to Factorio. But also be playable on low end systems just with higher running-time per turn. Graphics quality will be limited until some art is added (currently drawing modules on opencv).

Planning on a more player-friendly CPU design pattern, rather than a 100% realistic one. Players will mainly try to evade deadlocks as much as possible while racing for highest performance in benchmarks to sell more processors. NPCs will have their own compute requirements and budgets, to really run their(or player's) algorithms on cpus bought from vendors. CPUs will be really getting instructions from memory/cache/register and computing. This simulation will exist in both RTS mode NPCs and the design process. Beginning of every month will have a turn-based phase. Buying factories, adjusting hq, initiating r&d, all long-term decisions will be made here.

To ease the software development part in the game world, there will be a middle layer of compilation driver to convert generic programming codes into player's CPU architecture. So player will just define a loop, then driver skill will handle how well it maps to the designed CPU.
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