Question Turn on and turn off

May 12, 2023

So i can turn my DESKTOP PC on and also normally off. But if i want to restart, (or automatic restarts (ins. windows etc.)), it it turns off and then again on for like 2 s and then off again, and so on...

Please help
is this windows 10?

What are details of your PC? Is it a custom made PC or Brand name?
If custom, what parts?
If Brand name, what make/model?

restart is only time a windows 10 PC is off, so it could be one of your hardware parts isn't always working on a restart, but works fine in fast startup because the PC isn't actually powered off at shutdown
Its w7, custom:
AMD radeon R7 200 series
Intel(r) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU 3.20GHZ (4C)
8 Ram

Yeah ikr. stone old,. Do you think, its worth even trying upgrading it?
Cuz i wanted to use it for Premiere pro, so i need at least a new graphic card. (and i dont really have pc building knowlege) so better to buy a new one ha?
I have exactly this problem on an old spare PC (used by kids etc). I have an old I7-4770k on a M-ITX Asrock motherboard. I have tried the following with no change:
- different RAM
- different PSU
- replace CMOS battery
- Remove GFX card
- I have used the SSd to run on a different PC, and no issues

So... what could this be? I can only think MB. Given its age I will just get a new i3 / H610 / DDR4 combo (the old MBs are pricey or unreliable I find). Any other ideas before I go shopping?