turn on 'on board graphics'


Jul 29, 2015
so i installed new gpu. after booting my pc wont pass 'starting windows' i tried to switch pci/pcie to turn on 'onboard gpu' but it didnt worked. so is it other way to switch to integrated gpu ignoring new pcie gpu. p.s safe mode dont work in pcie too.
using onboard video chaeck that the4 mb has the newest bios file on it. if your mb is an older hp or dell mb some of them had a 512k max memory for ext gpu. if the mb uses via and nvida chipset you may have to use an older 500 or 200 gpu to post. if it older amd chipset you may be stuck using an amd gpu.
if it an intel cpu with onboard video under primany display set it from auto to ipgpu. then under it turn on muilt monitor display. also make sure with the gpu removed the mb bios is up to date. a hang like that one could be bios bug or missing chipset drivers.
using onboard video chaeck that the4 mb has the newest bios file on it. if your mb is an older hp or dell mb some of them had a 512k max memory for ext gpu. if the mb uses via and nvida chipset you may have to use an older 500 or 200 gpu to post. if it older amd chipset you may be stuck using an amd gpu.
My mobo is 945gcm5 9.1bios version. Cpu intel core duo 1.6 ghz oc to 2ghz and 2.5gb ram. Tge problem is that i cant acces igpu while geforce gt 730 is put in the mobo. I need to switch to igpu becouse booting pc from geforce it hangs on starting windows
my friend just game me other motherboard. i put there all my components ram gpu hdd. there i installed my geforce gt 730 drivers. then i put all back in my other motherboard and it still hangs on starting windows.