Hello,I appreciate all the help on my past thread and know I'm thinking,if I can't buy a laptop and improve it how far can I improve my pc?
My pc isn't so great,the parts are pretty old to say the least,and turning a 70$ pc into a modern gaming machine doesn't sound cheap and by the looks of things it won't be,so I have about a dozen questions and I'd appreciate any help,so I'll start:
Is the i7-7700k worth the extra 5-9$ over a few other i7s around 320$?(the i7-7700k is 329.99$)
What super cheap DDR4 motherboards support 7th gen i7s and 16GB of RAM?
Is it possible to find a 2GB vram GPU within 50$?
What's the best GPU I can find for 100$ or less?
Would I need a new CPU cooler for a way stronger CPU?
If I do need a new cooler what's the cheapest one I can find?
Are these following specs good enough for somewhat modern gaming(doesn't have to be HD):
2-4GBs of VRAM (DDR depends on what I get)
1TB-2TB of HDD
How long do these parts live?
I currently have a 10$ CPU so I wouldn't be surprised if I need a new cooler.
Is 1TB enough?
I currently have a 160GB HDD and I still have about over half it free but that's because I didn't download any big games because I wouldn't be able to run them.
I don't plan on watching 4k movies on this pc,the most I'd do would pretty much be watching a few YouTube videos on 320p-420p.
I plan to have everything happening at once to reach maximum productivity because of what little free time I have,thing such as:
Photoshop (CC or from browser)
Video editor
Games (I don't think any of them need 8GB RAM)
Are those specs enough?
I really appreciate the help,thank you.
My pc isn't so great,the parts are pretty old to say the least,and turning a 70$ pc into a modern gaming machine doesn't sound cheap and by the looks of things it won't be,so I have about a dozen questions and I'd appreciate any help,so I'll start:
Is the i7-7700k worth the extra 5-9$ over a few other i7s around 320$?(the i7-7700k is 329.99$)
What super cheap DDR4 motherboards support 7th gen i7s and 16GB of RAM?
Is it possible to find a 2GB vram GPU within 50$?
What's the best GPU I can find for 100$ or less?
Would I need a new CPU cooler for a way stronger CPU?
If I do need a new cooler what's the cheapest one I can find?
Are these following specs good enough for somewhat modern gaming(doesn't have to be HD):
2-4GBs of VRAM (DDR depends on what I get)
1TB-2TB of HDD
How long do these parts live?
I currently have a 10$ CPU so I wouldn't be surprised if I need a new cooler.
Is 1TB enough?
I currently have a 160GB HDD and I still have about over half it free but that's because I didn't download any big games because I wouldn't be able to run them.
I don't plan on watching 4k movies on this pc,the most I'd do would pretty much be watching a few YouTube videos on 320p-420p.
I plan to have everything happening at once to reach maximum productivity because of what little free time I have,thing such as:
Photoshop (CC or from browser)
Video editor
Games (I don't think any of them need 8GB RAM)
Are those specs enough?
I really appreciate the help,thank you.