Turning External Hard Drive Internal


Sep 4, 2011
I had a friend that said that external hard drives are basically like internal hard drives just in a box. You just get threw "the box" that it is in, and inside is just a normal internal hard drive. I was looking for more space for my computer and I have a 1TB Hitachi External Hard Drive. I was wondering if I could just take it out of the box and use it as an internal hard drive.

External hard drives are so much cheaper than internal hard drives. So I'd be willing to do this with another external hard drive I could buy if I can't do it with the Hitachi.


1 TB Hitachi External Hard Drive
(I really need to vacuum!)
Ok that's interesting. So only some can be turned internal.

I trust your opinion and you seem to know what your talking about but I'm going to wait for at least one more reply, before I make my decision.
I haven't opened the drive enclosure yet. I don't think it would damage it, but I'm partly afraid to do it because it might ruin the hard drive. I was going to wait until I was completely sure that I could turn it into an internal hard drive.
if you can open the enclosure without damaging it you should be able to see if the hard drive has sata


that looks quite a big enclosure in that picture to only contain 1 x 2.5 inch drive

are you sure it doesnt have a 3.5 inch drive in there

can see its hitachi but whats the model number?

Model number is 0S03393

I have a question. I thought external hard drivers were a lot cheaper. I have 1 TB hard drive (this one) and I was planning to get another one to back my stuff up with.

I just found a 1tb internal hard drive here, for cheap

So I should just probably get that right? And leave this one for backing my stuff up.
external drives that are cheaper may only have 5400rpm drives in them or smaller cache or only be 3gbs

stands to reason if they had fast hard drives in them then the price would be more than the equivalent

internal drive due to the cost of the enclosure as well

that acually looks like a decent drive at a decent price on ebay

so if they opened the enclosure they would be able to see if its capable of connecting to the motherboard

by sata?

Yeah I have heard that about external hard drives. Well this was kind of a pointless thread sorry guys! I think I'm just going to do that. I'm going to give best answer to mcnumpty23 but you were both very helpful.
AFAIK, all 3.5" external drives have detachable bridge boards, so you should be able to use them internally.

HD Sentinel should you give you a model number such as HDS721010DLE630. That will be the model on the drive's label.

"Touro" is the model of the complete external assembly.
I have a Touro 1TB external 2,5" drive with Hdmi conector,
I open the BOX, very esay, and voila..
inside de BOX only a Internal 2,5" HD with SATA
I put in my Laptop win win7 professional
Working fine

Carlos Lages
Rio de Janeiro