Question Turning on and off problem

Jan 5, 2019
I just recently built my first pc it runs good and I’m really proud of it. I have the PSU plugged in the surge protector after every use I turn the wall socket for the surge protector off and on again when I need the computer. However if I turn my computer off and try to turn it on again without turning the wall socket off from the back it always gets stuck on motherboard name screen and I have to turn the pc off holding the case power button and turn it on again using the case power button. I’m really not sure why this is. It’s not really a big issue right now but I’m scared it might become one, and. Have no clue why this is happening. Is the PSU at fault?
My build
PSU: Corsair 750 bronze semi modular
Motherboard: ASUs b450 plus gaming
CPU: Ryzen 5
Storage: 1tb harddrove and 150gb ssd
GPU: rx 580 msi