turtle beaches to be connected to 2 devices

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Apr 19, 2015
Hi guy i have a pair of turtle beach px4's i simply want to use them with with my pc and also ps4, i would like to know if they can both be connected to the transmitter by optical with a splitter and no iterferance so they work fine and finally if i can have power to my rear usb hubs on my pc when its shutdown. The mother boared is msi gaming intel z79 if i remember rightly any help would be much appreiated and wellcome :)
Sorry about that, instead of seeing you listed a switch and really needed a splitter my brain just ran with the splitter and thus was thinking input and not output

Ok, so start over.

Using a switch, and not a splitter you should be able to achieve this: http://www.amazon.com/ViewHD-TOSLINK-Digital-Optical-Switcher/dp/B00G188Z7A

As far as the USB power, the depends on your motherboard, many have the ability to keep some powered when the pc is off. If your board has this ability and the transmitter does not need more amps the the usb port is rated for then it will be fine. Otherwise you would need a power adapter to plug into wall.
I think you ment x97 and not x79 for motherboard, and if that is the case there is still multiple...


Apr 19, 2015
Why optical in? i want the sound to come from the mobo with the built in soundcard the splitter is for the transmitter witch i want to divices to be connected to
Sorry about that, instead of seeing you listed a switch and really needed a splitter my brain just ran with the splitter and thus was thinking input and not output

Ok, so start over.

Using a switch, and not a splitter you should be able to achieve this: http://www.amazon.com/ViewHD-TOSLINK-Digital-Optical-Switcher/dp/B00G188Z7A

As far as the USB power, the depends on your motherboard, many have the ability to keep some powered when the pc is off. If your board has this ability and the transmitter does not need more amps the the usb port is rated for then it will be fine. Otherwise you would need a power adapter to plug into wall.
I think you ment x97 and not x79 for motherboard, and if that is the case there is still multiple verisons of MSI gaming motherboard.
A splitter takes one input and makes it multiple outputs

What you need is take multiple inputs with one output device.

A splitter would allow you to hook the PC to multiple headsets/receivers to output the same audio to multiple devices.
A switch allows you to hook a PC, a game console and other devices audio source, and then connect them to the headset..


Apr 19, 2015
ok thanks, can you explain the debug post to me please i dont understand it much it boots fine iv tested my cpu with no probs. How do you know when its a good post? Is that makes any sense lol
Its a good post if the system boots.

At the point you see the bios splash screen it has POSTed ok.
After that is just a matter of it detecting an operating system and then it should have the starting windows splash screen.

It is if you don't see anything and getting beeps from the motherboard (if you installed mobo speaker) , that is when the PC has not passed POST
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