Info (Tutorial) Laptop Screen Upgrade - TN to IPS

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Win 11 Master

I recently purchased the ASUS K501UW-AB78 after searching for hours to find a laptop that fit my budget. I was kind of disappointed that I couldn't find a laptop with good internals, good build quality, and a good 1080p screen (I am using it for on-the-go graphic design). I was happy to find that this laptop had good internals and build quality (would rather have a quad i7, oh well), but the screen was absolutely horrid. Viewing angles and color accuracy were terrible.

So I researched for a couple more hours, and found that it might be possible to upgrade it to an IPS display. This is the info I found about it, and hopefully how you can upgrade yours.

WARNING: The steps I show you in this tutorial will probably not work for upgrading the resolution of your laptop. It is possible, but from what I have seen, a bit harder.

Here is what had to say about it here

Also, I am not responsible if you screw up and brake your laptop. That shouldn't happen though, it was an easy process.


I found a lot of mixed thoughts on if you can could upgrade it to a display that is a different model. Well, thankfully, you can! At least, for me, that was the case. You just have to amke some of the key elements are the same.

So, here is the deal. First off, you need to find the model of your current display. For me, that was the B156HTN03.8

You can find it if you open your laptop and look on the back on the display to find the model number.

I wasn't sure if I even wanted to attempt this, so I simply searched on eBay for "ASUS K501UW-AB78 replacement screen" and then looked at the model number on the listing.

This is risky, because you cannot guarantee that they posted the right screen model, or maybe they had the wrong computer. Since I have confirmed the upgrade worked, I would suggest you just open it up and look at it (especially if you have screws to open the screen, since it is so much easier than clips).

Anyways, once you have found the model of your screen, you simply go on

This website is crazy awesome, and really helps. Once you are there, you search and find your display. This will give you a huge amount of very specific data. Once you found your current display, go ahead and hit the 'plus' button to add it to the compare list.

Once you got that, it's a matter of going to advanced search, giving it the parameters it needs to match your screen and the ones that you want (better color gamut, better viewing angles) and comparing it to your current display to make sure it will work.

You can look at my final comparison to see what matched up, and what didn't:,24666

The most important things to make sure the display will work, are the following according to

Size, resolution, and backlight type. I would also say that having the right 'Pin Connector' and the 'Mounting Brackets' type would be pretty important too (idk why they don't have that on there). In my case, it was a 30pin connector.

Obviously, size means dimensions. So when comparing screens, make sure that the "Outline Dimensions" are the same.

Don't get it confused with the 'Active Area". That just means where the actual screen it, not the bezel. If you were looking at 15.6" screens like I was, almost all the 'Active Area' (if not all) should be exactly 344.16x193.59mm, which translates to 13.6” x 7.6”, which is 15.6" if you measure it diagonally.

Like I mentioned above, the screen resolution needs to be the same. Also, make sure the backlight is the same. Different backlight types are almost never compatible.

Also make sure the 'Signal Interface Pins' have the same amount of pins. Mine was a 30pin, but it could be different for different displays. I believe that's one of the problems you run into when trying to upgrade the resolution of a display.

Another super important thing is to make sure the Mounting & Brackets are the same style. Some displays have brackets on the side, some on top, and there are other types too. For mine, it was face down mounting holes, 2 on top, and 2 on the bottom.


So once you have put in all the parameters and have found the display you want, you simply find the new display on eBay or somewhere else.

I used because I could not it anywhere else for a good price. I can confirm that the display I received

Don't buy the cheap ones on eBay unless you have to, or can find a good one. Most of them that I found actually said they had 1-5 dead pixels in the description, but they were an eBay store, no a random person.

Ok, so you found the display and ordered it. Now all you have to do is install it like you would any other replacement screen.

Here is a huge list of replacement tutorial videos for specific laptops. If it doesn't have yours, just use a random one and it should be similar

Click me


Alright, I think that's it! I put this together in like 45 min, so I could be missing stuff. Make sure you do your own research to make sure you are doing everything correctly.

If you have any questions, you can ask them below, but I can't guaruntee that they will get answered, and I won't answer anyone asking if certain display are compatible, because trust me, I have no clue. I asked the guys at support to confirm that my display would work, so ask them.

Oh, and here are some before and after pics!





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