TV to gaming chair

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Aug 4, 2014
I am soon to buy a gaming chair with speakers on the sides but my problem is it has a red and white male AV wire and my TV doesn't have an AV out it only has AV in. Please help
Alright, so go to and click on "Connecting to XBox 360" (the component* connections should be the same on the One). It will show a diagram on how to hook up your system. So from the looks of it the the audio is just going to be coming from the chair and NOT THE TV. If you wanted it from both you may need to go with a different chair or hook into a surround system.
-Yellow (or component* cables red/blue/green) goes to VIDEO IN from the One into TV
-Yellow/White cable go from One into chair connections (you may have to buy female-female adapters)
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