Two 6+2 pin PCI-E on an 8 pin GPU


Dec 20, 2013
So I'm not entirely sure about connecting my new GPU I bought, because my PSU (Corsair CX500M) has one port for delivering power for the GPU and the cable splits into two 6+2 ends (no, I don't mean the extra two pins making it an 8 pin connector, but rather it has two 6+2 ends). So can I safely use the other 6+2 end for the 8 pin slot the GPU has and leave the other 6+2 end of the cable unused? Thank you in advance.
Yes, as long as you don't "merge" the 2 6pin cables into a single 8pin (like using a "Y" connector), you can use the 6+2 with no concerns.

As for why it has 2x 6+2's, it's because the 6pin *can* deliver the same amount of juice as the 8pin, but the spec requires 2 extra ground lines for it, so that explains the 2 extra pins you see (and should be colored black).

Yes, as long as you don't "merge" the 2 6pin cables into a single 8pin (like using a "Y" connector), you can use the 6+2 with no concerns.

As for why it has 2x 6+2's, it's because the 6pin *can* deliver the same amount of juice as the 8pin, but the spec requires 2 extra ground lines for it, so that explains the 2 extra pins you see (and should be colored black).


okay, thank you for the quick answer, but is it a better option to buy a single 8 pin or a single 6+2 pin cable for this purpose? Does it bring extra strain on the other end or anything? (Although I've been looking for single PCI-E cables to buy but I don't seem to find any haha)

dont buy anything use the 6+2 into the 8-pin slot on the gpu

let the other 6+2 hang loose

ok, thanks! Just making sure 😀