Two directional fans ?


Sep 30, 2017
hello ,

Any one made Two Directional fans with a switch ? that is pull/push without the need to reinstall the fans ?

This would be a really cool idea if done right.
Even a car needs a transmission to relay the power to the wheels in an opposite direction. That being said, what about the angle, pitch and design of the fan blades? If you reverse the rotation of the fan motor, you will need a blade design that can work both ways...which you'll see in vacuum cleaners.

There's a saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
So if the fan design has been working great for all these years and designing a new fan would only mean resource draw, company's would rather opt for something that is proven to work with little effort in order to maximize profit.

well for some one who has 3 Radiators all in pull/push configuration (fans at each sides of the RAD) and wants to test the setup for optimal results , removing every thing including the Rads to test all possibility is painful.

a Two Directional fan would be really cool for this.

I wish some one tries making one.

hmmm : a FAN bracket !!!! same fan but hotswap !!! pull -flip- insert again !!! no need to wire it again or unscrew it. pin contacts for power and a hot swap fan bracket