Two Non-SLI GPU - different Task - Is it Possible?

Jan 22, 2019
Hi there! I am newbie to the GPU industry and I am wondering if I could have two GTX 1060 (they are non-SLI GPU). Assign GPU-1 for general purpose (Windows / Browsing / etc) and GPU-2 for deeplearning (tensorflow,keras, etc).

Deep learning training normally takes out up to 99% of GPU memory which made me unable to do anything else on my computer. I can only wait until the training is finished.

Yes but you have to set the software to choose the gpu and that can only be done if the software is capable of doing that. Windows/browsing/etc will only use the one connected to the main monitor.

Thanks for the reply. Yes the software can assign the program to a specific GPU. If that's the case how would driver installation works when Windows only use whats connected? does windows still detects the other gpu too (on the device manager)?
Your questions aren't clear but I think it has to do with needing a monitor connected to the gpu. If that's the case, no a monitor does not need to be connected to use the gpu. Monitor just determines which is seen as primary by windows. All gpu acceleration defaults to the main gpu and most software is only programmed to use a single gpu so only that one is used. There are software like those that can choose or software that can use multiple.

Regardless of hardware type (it can be hdd, audio card, wifi card, usb stick) windows sees all devices connected and lists it in device manager if it has the driver or not. This is kinda basic windows knowledge. Multiples of the same device only need 1 driver. Drivers exist so windows can use the device properly. Let's say you have 2 of the same usb stick. Windows only needs 1 set of instructions of how to use that type of usb stick and it knows how to use it. You don't need 2 instruction booklets for the same device. So there's only 1 nvidia driver to install when both are 10 series gpus.

Sorry English isn't my main language and thanks for the reply.

TDLR I just built a pc with GPU 1060 and I only started exploring deep learning area which then made me realise that I need another GPU so that I can still do other tasks. Unfortunately 1060 don't support SLI, hence I am hoping I can use one GPU for general purpose and another for just deep learning.

How would windows knows / choose which is my primary GPU? I only have one monitor that is connected to a GPU.