[SOLVED] Two Separate ISP Ethernet Connections One PC.


Nov 2, 2008

Is there anyway in specifying which of two ethernet network connections specific programs use?

I have two ethernet connections with separate ISP connected to my pc.
When i use them both at the same time the data is split between the two using both at the same time.

i want to use the faster one for gaming (Ethernet 2) and the slower one (Ethernet 1) for streaming videos and in youtube whilst i'm gaming simultaneously.

Is there anyway in specifying which of two network connections Firefox should use?
I am not sure how you manged to get the data to split between the 2. By default it will only use 1 and ignore the other.

So because you have multiple physical ethernet connection you might get this to work with a program called forcebindip. This program has a history of getting broken by microsoft patches and I have not looked at it in a long time. It also has problems with chrome since it is no longer a single task. You could lock a game to one and run everything else on the other. Again this depends on if the game has a single process or multiple.

The other way that works but tends to be much more effort is to use the ROUTE command. In this case you must get lists of the IP for each site on the internet you want to...
I am not sure how you manged to get the data to split between the 2. By default it will only use 1 and ignore the other.

So because you have multiple physical ethernet connection you might get this to work with a program called forcebindip. This program has a history of getting broken by microsoft patches and I have not looked at it in a long time. It also has problems with chrome since it is no longer a single task. You could lock a game to one and run everything else on the other. Again this depends on if the game has a single process or multiple.

The other way that works but tends to be much more effort is to use the ROUTE command. In this case you must get lists of the IP for each site on the internet you want to use a connection.
First step is to delete the route for the connection that is not the default. So all traffic now get sent to the primary/default one.
You then add in route commands for each ip you want to use the other connection and point it to the other router IP.

There are some rather large issues. First you need the actual IP addresses you can not just use the DNS names. This gets messy for sites that have multiple IP tied to a name. The other issue is finding all the IP related to a application. You would have to know for example all the different servers a game company uses.
If you for example did the authentication one of your internet connections and then attempted to connect to the game server via the other you would likely get some kind of security violation. This is massively more complex when you are talking about using a browser. There are massive number of servers that make up web sites and finding lists is impossible. You tend to get constant captcha messages because they are detecting you coming from 2 different IP.

So if you have a limited need where you can get a list of IP addresses you can actually use both connections at the same time.