Two SSDs - one for OS, one for data.


Nov 17, 2017
Hello, I got an idea of having two seperate SSDs.
One for OS and drivers, a second for apps, games, music etc.

Why? I think it will be easier to manage data and also it prevent system from slowing down because I will never fill up OS drive like I will do with the storage drive.

The question is how much do I need for windows 10 pro and drivers ONLY.
I think 128gb is enough eternally.

Thanks for answers.
Windows 10 will still install data on the C drive even if the software is installed on another drive.

I would say a min of 128GB to leave enough space so the SSD will last.

I personally run a 250GB SSD for Windows and main programs and 1 TB reg HD for storage/games etc.
For windows itself (including drivers) even 60GB is enough but you can never have only that on your BOOT drive. Most programs even when installed on secondary drive leave some parts in the system drive. I was doing fine with 120GB SSD for W7 and even W10 but backed up by set of large HDDs. Like many others, I find it bad economy to use SSD as secondary drive as for same price you can have 4 times larger HDD without much of performance impact.
Performance impact on a full SSD is much lover than on comparable HDD anyway. Other reason for installing larger SSD for OS and most important programs and HDD for data and personal files is that when programs/games are installed in secondary and something happens to OS you'd have to reinstall them anyway.

1. Even though you want 'only the OS' on the primary drive, that is a waste of an SSD.
Every day, I read people here who have a 120/128GB drive, and it is simply 'too small'.

Many other things you DO want on the SSD. Your applications, for instance.
And some things must go on the OS drive.
Games and other data can go elsewhere.

2. A 128GB drive fills up faster than you might think. A 240/250GB is recommended.

3. Read here for how to manage where things go:
Win 7 & 8:
Win 8.1 & 10:
Yeah, I run 2 machines with 250 GB SSD in one and 240 GB SSD in the other, both with 1 TB reg hard drives.

Well have a new 2 TB HD coming for one because the almost 8 YO drive is going bad, but that doesn't matter, still same idea.

I run Windows and main programs on the SSD and use the reg HD's for games and storage.

Even before I started using SSD's I still partitioned the drives pretty much the same way, 250GB for Windows and main programs and the rest or other drive for games and storage.
Ohh, so it's different than I thought. Thank You all for saving me money and headaches 😀.

Looks like there is no reason for me to have two seperate drives.
I wiil buy just bigger SSD-1TB and instal all things there.

Also I had idea to do OS partition and second one for other stuff but it will be similar to having two seperate drives, so no point in doing this.

Thanks guys for help. You are all awesome :).
Oh no...there are VERY good reasons to split things up.
OS and applications on one drive, all your 'data' on other drives. (Doc/Music/Video/etc)
This way, when you need to reinstall the OS, your personal data is not touched.
And if you have to reinstall the OS, you also have to do the applications anyway. So have all that on one drive.

It's normally good to keep Windows and main programs separate from the storage etc.

Either on 2 different drives or partitions.

The reason for this is when you do a clean fresh install of Windows you won't lose everything on your drive. Like your storage and or games etc.

I wouldn't buy a 1 TB SSD, I would go with a 250GB SSD and a separate Reg HD.
I will use ssd for system and other software.
For pics, movies etc that not require speed I will have hdd.

It should be good now :).