Two SSDs or One SSD and One HDD?


Mar 9, 2009
Thanks to the help of folks here on this forum, I've finally got the components for my new system build coming in the next few days. One of my components is a 64GB SSD that I intend to use only for Win 7 64-bit Ultimate. That gives me more than enough room for the OS to grow over the years without having to worry about disk space. I was going to put my programs and files on a 1TB drive, but now I'm having second thoughts.

As I was reading about installing Win 7 on a SSD, I read a comment that installing one's programs on a HDD actually slows the system somewhat. Is that true? If so why? Is it only seek time for the HDD?

Because of what I read, I'm thinking of getting a second 64GB SSD and dedicating that to my program installations only. But I wonder if it's really a good way to go so I need some advice.

Would it be OK to install my Win 7 64-bit OS, IIS 7.0, and the Adobe Creative Suite CS4 (~9GB) on the 64GB SSD and put the other programs on the HDD? Would this create conflicts? Or should I stick with my original SSD for OS and HDD for programs/files and save $200.00?

I'm conflicted here so I'd appreciate some suggestions.
Stick to your original plan, put anything that will make frequent writes on the hdd, tmp folders, swapfile, user folders, will help reduce wear and tear on the SSD.