Two SSIDs on one AP


Nov 22, 2013

We use Wifi ubiquity swx-uap AP, and I created two SSIDs, one for our employees and another opened for visitors. So, two problems:
1. Checked through Inssider software, it shows both are running on the same channel 11. I can't find any option how to make them run on different channels. Is any way to do it? Also, when was the only SSID, WiFi rate was slightly better.
2 MAIN PROBLEM. Why our Wifi signal disappears 4-6times a day for 4-7seconds. It annoys very much. I have tried with my personal laptop pinging our default gateway all day and it happens. When connected PC through the wire, no problems. Any solutions?
1. Router is Microtik brand, with dd-wrt software.
2. Access point is - Unifi AP-LR
3. Internet is fiber optic so speed is u/d ~ 90/90Mb/s
4. ~27 permanent users using (WAP2-Personal encryption) company's SSID, and 1-5 visitors using open Guest SSID.
5. The only band is supported - 2.4GHz.
6. AP >> HP Switch >> Router >> Internet. CAT5e cable, distance ~45meters, PoE.

1. Ticked Enable Guest Portal
2. Access Control restricted my LAN
3. Wireless Configurations, created open guest SSID and ticked Apply guest policies (captive portal, guest authentication, access restrictions)
4. Advanced left deafult (No VLAN)

Strange, why we have such problems with Wifi.
Do you need a guest portal? On my system I do not have Enable Guest Portal checked. I do have the Access Control portion filled out for guest and I have an SSID defined as guest. I did not enable guest portal as I do not require captive portal or guest authentication (other than the password to connect to the guest SSID).
Anyway that is the only thing I can see that is different in my setup from yours.