go127001 :
Well I can't shorten the lease time to something that low plus that doesn't really solve my problem because the computers we have here aren't going to leave the building after 2 hours or anytime for that matter. I really just need to know if a router can support segmenting (I think that's what it is) a network. @Rogue Leader I'm using a cheap Linksys router right now. The router that you linked does it support what I need? Sorry to all if this is confusing.
Cheap Linksys routers are not going to do VLAN. I am assuming for your guest access you are looking for just WiFi correct?
You really should just toss that router and buy one like the one I linked. You can use it to create a higher class network thereby alleviating your IP address issues on your main network, and also you can set up a Guest VLAN which will give them internet only and put them on their own IP scheme that you determine.
With 250 possible open connections, a chreap linksys router is not a good choice for both speed and safety for a business.