TXAA,MSAA & SMAA{Which one is Better}

TXAA is crap 100% of the time and should be avoided, massive performance hit and totally blurry image. MSAA tends to have a pretty high performance hit, doesn't work on transparent textures, but its easily the best AA outside of supersampling, though, if you are using Nvidia and its a DX11 game, its pretty much useless. SMAA is every so slightly blurred, similar performance hit to MSAA but works on transparent textures.

What you use depends on the game, unless you have the GPU to push a higher res than your monitors native resolution, in which case, just downscale.
TXAA is crap 100% of the time and should be avoided, massive performance hit and totally blurry image. MSAA tends to have a pretty high performance hit, doesn't work on transparent textures, but its easily the best AA outside of supersampling, though, if you are using Nvidia and its a DX11 game, its pretty much useless. SMAA is every so slightly blurred, similar performance hit to MSAA but works on transparent textures.

What you use depends on the game, unless you have the GPU to push a higher res than your monitors native resolution, in which case, just downscale.

Thanks for the reply.currently I'm using GTX770 so which one you preffer to use?MSAA or SMAA:)

I want to get maximum results from Assassins Creed Black flag.