txt doc doesn't re open fullscreen when first opened.


Mar 23, 2014
I have a MS notepad text document. I open it but it usually never opens to full screen like I want. Instead, it's like only half way covering the screen and so I have to hit the expand full screen square on the top right of the doc near the red X to close the doc.

It's every document and not just one and has been happening for a long time. Sometimes they'll open full screen, usually they won't. Sometimes they open half way expanded or 3/4 expanded and all different placements on my screen.

thanks in advance
Can't say off the top of my head why you would be getting inconsistent behavior, but Notepad generally opens up the same size and in the same location as it was in when it was closed, whether you had a document open in it or not. This does not include saving the window state, whether it's Maximized or Minimized, but applies to the normal window.

If you stretch Notepad to fill your screen instead of Maximizing it, then close it, unless there are outside forces influencing the behavior of Notepad, it will open any subsequent documents the way the Notepad window was when it was closed, precluding the special window states of Maximized and Minimized.
thanks. if I hit square at the top right near the red X which closes the file, if I hit the square to maximize to fit screen, then close it, it won't re open expanded full screen. I have to hover over the edge with the pointer to make it turn into a double sided arrow pointer to then stretch the document to full screen (not actually %100 screen though), then I can close it and it will re open about %99 full screen.

Do that for one txt file and it works for them all.
it's actually not really fixed though because I still can't slide my mouse to the top right corner like second nature without looking knowing that my pointer will not move off screen (it should stop at the Red X) to click to close it but when I do that I get the double sided arrow, so I can't just quickly swipe mouse and close document.
Has to be another way?
Sure, use Alt+F4 on the keyboard. This doesn't rely on any sort of special conditions or placement of the Notepad Window.

... or just move the Notepad window such that the red X is right where you want it, then close it. The next time you open the Notepad window, the red X will be in the same spot it was the last time you closed it, again, excluding the Maximize window function.

It's my understanding that under Windows XP, you could start Notepad maximized, but Microsoft changed the behavior and that's no longer the case. So, that's pretty much the end of it, if you're insisting on the behavior from Notepad, it's simply not possible. You can get close, but short of extraordinary means, not going to happen.
alt+F4 just closes the file. Then it'll re-open the same place. Only way I can seem to get the red X to be in the true top right corner is by hitting Maximize square next to the red X. Even if I hold click pointer on the top border to drag the whole document around and try and leave it so the red X is in the true top right of screen, if I try and drag it that way, it won't leave it so that the X is in the true top right of screen - it will move by itself after drag and drop the border to make the red X still not be clicked when I slide my mouse all the way to the top right of screen to close the file very quickly without looking.

This is a PITA also if for example I have a Folder with the txt doc in it, then try and close the txt, instead it closes the folder behind it that I didn't want to close.

So you're saying there's just no way to do this? lol wtf?