Anonymous needs to look at the voting record between Senator McCain and Senator Obama. I would be more inclined to vote for Senator Obama if he could actually tell us what he believes in other than raising taxes on those making $42,000 and above, increasing the goverment, and begining a National Healthcare Plan based on the Canadians Healthcare System which by the way is turning into a complete and utter failure.
GWB vs V.P. Gore. After 9-11 the choice the Americans made in electing GWB proved to be a wise one. I believe V.P. Gore would of launched a couple of missles at Al-Queda just like President Clinton did when the World Trade Center was first attacked and called it good. We saw how good that went for us the first time for us with President Clinton and a President Gore would of done just the same. So a President Bush was a wiser choice though it didn't seem like it at the time. Then again we didn't have buildings falling down on our heads at the time of election either. A different time it was before 9-11.
President Bush vs Senator Kerry. A President Kerry would of pulled all of our troops out of all areas. He is the most Liberal Democrat in the Senate. We would of loss the war in Iraq and loss the war in Afghanistan and an emboldened Al-Queda would have emerged. President Bush had bad Generals making bad decisions along with a Secretary of Defense who was going along with the ride. President Bush had to clean house and he did. If he had listened to Senator McCain, Senator Liberman, and a few other Senators including some Democrats and Republicans the Iraq war wouldn't of gotten out of hand as bad as it did. Newsweek did a wonderful article on this subject.
We were not left with much of a choice. As bad as President Bush is or was the realistic choice was a fundamentally destroyed America or President Bush. There was no real choice.
So onto the Housing Crisis. I told my friends not to buy a House three years ago as I saw the coming collapse just as much as Senator McCain. Anybody could of seen it coming.
Will the Economy bounce back?
How long?
Took us near 12 years to bounce back from the 1978-1979 collapse and this is much, much worse. It's why I am so against this bail out. It's just not going to help the long term and in the end the people who caused this whole mess won't learn a thing. The best bet is to destroy Fannie, Freddie, AIG, and all the others who believed in this crap. Take all those top executives and freeze their pay and accounts and have them pay for the failing of their companies and that includes them wonderful Obama guys and girls who he has working for him and send a clear message that we won't stand for our finacial industry to be the toy things of over paid CEO's and corporate executives.
Yeah, I hate rich snobs too. Time to concentrate on America's foundation which is the Middle Class.