U.S. Treasury Department runs out of money

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We need to park our aircraft carriers. Cut uneeded defence spending. Close European and far Asian bases. Properly fund our employees. Raise taxes progressively an additional 50%, by 100K, your tax bill should be 150% what it is now. THEN the hole won't get deeper ...

That will not work. Give our government more money and they will just spend it.

My idea: Go through our Federal government, and with an eye on our Constitution, cut everything that has no basis in the Constitution. DoEd would go. DoE could be merged into Dept of Interior. EPA could be pruned back and merged with Interior also. BATFE was originally created as a tax agency. Cut it. NLRB has morphed into an anti-business organization. Cut it. Wouldn't save much because they only have about 2000 employees nationwide, but hey, every little bit helps.
Cutting the department of Education would cripple our future generations.

We should focus on making college cheaper so we are producing high quality workers and not just tollbooth attendants.
Department of Educations mission.
1. Distribute funds. $69.9 billion in discretionary appropriations.
2. Collect Data. Promote Education.
3. Law Enforcement.
It helps the poor and disadvantaged. This is a good thing. It does not make "college cheaper" or "high quality workers".

@ jsc - US Constitution
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Your idea is half shot down with these four words. "promote the general Welfare"


Whenever I see the first few paragraphs of teh constitution I cant help but sing it to the tune of schoolhouse rock.


@ctbaars I know the limits of the DoE its just my personal oppinion that affordable quality secondary education is a priority. Did you know that India graduates more doctors every year than every college student graduating in the United States?
You could put all of the unemployed people in one spot ... put a fence around it ... install feed troughs ... minimise spending in that way.

Maybe model it on Guantanamo Bay ... that seems to be working well for you.
Take a look at the history of income taxes in the US OMG, we don't pay much in taxes these days. Until 1980 anyone making over 250k was paying 70% of their income in taxes to the US government, yet far fewer people were complaining about taxes on a weekly basis, funny how we can cut the tax rate in half over a couple decades then every half percentage point you want to add back threatens to start a new civil war....

There is only one thing we learn from history, we don't learn from history, and we don't remember it unless it works for us.
From your link
Hauser's Law is a theory by one economist that postulates that in the United States, federal tax revenues will always be equal to approximately 19.5% of gross domestic product (GDP), regardless of what the top marginal tax rate is. From fiscal year 1946 to fiscal year 2007, federal tax receipts as a percentage of GDP averaged 17.9%, with a range of 14.4% to 20.9%.[34] During the years referred to by Hauser (FY 46 to FY 93), the actual average was 17.7%.

So, taxes paid have gone up since 93

But education is not mentioned as one of the Federal responsibilities in the Constitution. Besides, what has it accomplished? Literacy rates have dropped in the 30 years of its existence. Kill it because it has been ineffective.

You know, I am constantly amazed that the US military dependent schools can, on the average, provide a better education at a lower cost per student than the civilian public schools. Can't be student quality. After all, we military, and former military, people are (liberal stereotype) too stupid to get a real job. And intelligence, like skin color, tends to be a heritable characteristic.

So what could the reason be? Enforced standards of conduct? Yes. The DoDDS (DoD Dependent Schools) are run by DoD and not DoEd? YES! :bounce:

The original meaning was not what we believe it is now:

Much like the "Commerce Clause", it has been warped to justify government intrusion (primarily taxes) into all kinds of areas.

1. repeal NAFTA. It's not benefiting the US like it was envisioned.
2. institute tariffs on all imports. This will encourage buyers to buy local, companies to produce in the US, and manufacturing to hire employees.
3. stop giving away billions in foreign aid, unless in dire straits.
4. get proven businessmen in the government, that will trim the fat where it needs to be. No more of these political scandals that waste $$ on overpaying their friends.
5. stop exporting so much oil, when we are paying a premium for imported oil from the Arab nations.
I guess, since things have gone so much better lately, our current enlightened thieves in Washington not only feel our forefathers who wrote the constitution didnt understand it right, but continuously turn away from its true meaning
In 1824 Chief Justice John Marshall described in obiter dictum a further limit on the General Welfare Clause in Gibbons v. Ogden: "Congress is authorized to lay and collect taxes, &c. to pay the debts and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the United States. ... Congress is not empowered to tax for those purposes which are within the exclusive province of the States."[8]

Since having local taxes for education was wrong, and our forefathers didnt do it right, things have gotten much better, and costs of schooling has dropped since our enlightened Washingtonians corrected this grievous error.
Now, keep multiplying this, as we wander away from our constitution, and watch as our enlightened Washingtonians gain consciousness of how it works for all, even them

2. May have the side effect of reducing exports to other countries. Other countries may increase tariffs towards the US in kind.
3. Most aid is tied aid, that is special terms and conditions are tied to the aid. Some include buying American good and services for other countries only.

2. Since the US doesn't produce much locally anymore, then other countries won't be able to increase tariffs on much. Additionally, the US is one of the biggest consumer bases in the world. Most of the sales would be local here in the US.

3. The US has given Pakistan billions in aid, and what has it done for us? All they do is take the money and hinder the anti terror efforts. Or what about Bangladesh? We've already given them almost $6 billion, and the US is going to give them another billion over the next 5 years. I don't see Bangladesh as being a big importer of anything from the US.

Edit: Forgot the link

That theory is sound ... it is how Australia got started.

giggle all you like but we are doing pretty fine thank you.

Unemployment 5%

Koala bears - check.

Beer - check.

Sun - check.

Fine women - check.

Wiggles - check (beta yellow rolled back to 1.0)

Minimal guns - check.

Peace - check.

Few Religious extremists - check.

What more do you want?

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