UAC All Corrupt, Every User Account, Permissions etc...

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Mar 19, 2016
First off, I have posted this on Two Separate Microsoft Sites. The first post was in February, and the other post was in March 2016. Now the Second Post, has not even been replied to by anyone, and the First Post was Replied to the day after I posted it. The poster is a "Microsoft Support Engineer", and I know for a fact that she never read anything except for my "Title". She just seen the Title, and replied with one of "Microsoft's Automatic Responses" which are for "Fix a Corrupted User Profile" problem.
You can view them here, and here, if you want to see.

My Question:

Now, the Problem I have, is that ALL my Accounts, even the Hidden Administrator, are now “Useless”. I am “Unable” to “Run” any application which requires, “Administrative Permissions”, or anything what so ever that requires “Administrative Permissions”. I can not “Change” any “Account Type”, or “Manage” any Accounts. It seems that my UAC is Corrupt. I tried to run the “Restore” and “Backup” options, but of course, “NO Permission”.
So, before I go and reinstall Windows 7, and lose all my years of Applications, etc… I decided to see if anyone could help me out.

What I Did to Cause the Corruption:

I “Right Clicked”, on the “C Drive”, I then clicked on “Properties”, then I clicked the “Security Tab”, then “Advanced Tab”. I then proceeded to click the “Change Permissions” Button, then the “Edit” Button. I gave myself “Full Control” which applied to “This folder, subfolders, and files”, along with the “Apply these permissions to objects and/or containers within this container only” Checkmark. Clicked “OK”, then I placed a Checkmark on “Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object”, and chose “OK”. Then before I was able to proceed to click all the “OK” Buttons until I was done, the computer started applying all the “Permissions”, which seemed to look like it was going to take a very long time, so I clicked the “Cancel” Button. After what seemed to be forever, I tried to “Stop” the “Cancelling Process”. I had no luck, so I then pressed the computer’s “Power On” button until it was Shut Down. I know this was the dumbest thing I could ever do.

My computer is running Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate.

Re-install Windows or run Factory Recovery, whichever option is open to you. Or you may have a recent backup image you can restore from?

I don't see any other way to fix the mess you're in.
As far as recoveries, they don't allow me either. I was hoping not too have to Re-Install Windows, but there seems to be no answer anywhere. Thanks for your time my friend. At least you took the time to reply to me, so thanks for that. I have years of computer repairing knowledge, and a Facebook Group for Helping People with their Computers for free. So from now on I will do my best to help others here with any help they need.
GOD Bless

Gil Lahaie
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