Ubisoft Reveals Far Cry 3 Mod for Minecraft

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Sorry, but since this is Ubisoft we're talking about here, I don't condone anything they do. Us PC gamers are fed up with Ubisoft, maybe they'll turn things around with FC3. Loved number 2 and number 1 was great.

Ubisoft, I'm watching you.
[citation][nom]echondo[/nom]Sorry, but since this is Ubisoft we're talking about here, I don't condone anything they do. Us PC gamers are fed up with Ubisoft, maybe they'll turn things around with FC3. Loved number 2 and number 1 was great.Ubisoft, I'm watching you.[/citation]
Always online required, limited installs and uplay crap.

Ive said before and ill say it again. If ubisoft treats its customers like enemies, might aswell just be that enemy and aquire their games other ways than buying.
Did both of you completely miss the news a few weeks ago where Ubisoft officially ditched their always online DRM and apologized for having it in the first place? I look at them in a much better light now thanks to this,. They finally addressed what everyone was telling them was wrong with their approach and promised to never use always online DRM again. It's EA and Blizzard that are the current always-online enemies guys.
[citation][nom]Pennanen[/nom]Always online required, limited installs and uplay crap.Ive said before and ill say it again. If ubisoft treats its customers like enemies, might aswell just be that enemy and aquire their games other ways than buying.[/citation]

I thought ubisoft got rid of their drm recently
[citation][nom]zakkenayo[/nom]Ubisoft Reveals Minecraft Mod for Far Cry 3. Fixed *[/citation]

This article is irritatingly ambiguous on which game is being modified. I guess these pics are photoshopped rubbish and not actually from the mod either, seeing as you don't need 2GB of mod just to make a few weapons look square, and if you did, then this is already pathetic.

And yes, much better title.
[citation][nom]johnners2981[/nom]I thought ubisoft got rid of their drm recently[/citation]
Aparently so, havent followed ubisoft so didnt know till you posted. I hope they get rid of uplay while they're at it.
You guys are tarded, its not a mod for FC, those pics are just drawings of FC with a minecraft theme. What they are talking about is minecraft that has some FC elements, there are no screenshots of it. Seriously, i can see one tarded person, but there a ton of idiots posting today.
2.17GB... Compressed.

Did they just use Minecraft as a game engine or...?
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