Ubuntu OS Running Smoothly on Google Nexus 4: Hands-on

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Well if you count in a normal compiled native apps & a normal go to date kernel with hard ARM VFP & NEON is a you have answer for smoothnes & performance for this still beta build. My estimation is up to 3x performance compared to current Android. The Google is on the other hand also mainlineing a 3.10 kernel.
I could imagine this being very handy for troubleshooting in IT. Having native linux tools like SSH right there at the ready could come in handy quite a bit.
I'll probably look into an Ubuntu phone in the future as a way to get me to use actual Linux more. Then maybe one day I can become familiar enough with it to run it on a desktop.
While I'm not certain it will have a lot of commercial success, this looks very promising. This will be especially true if they can get it to where it runs the full desktop version when docked. I would be interested in seeing one of the Ubuntu phone makers partner with Intel for a SOC since a lot of Linux applications won't function on ARM ( a lot do though).
Having used both regularly & recently...Sailfish is more polished (further ahead) & interesting, too bad tech sites don't seem to know that it exists & .: rarely cover it.Maybe that'll change when it's available for some popular Android handsets (June at the latest), & when the Sailfish UX Android launcher is available @Google Play.
So between Ubuntu Touch and Android we're going to have 2 Linux based OSes for phones?As much as I'd like to see Linux keep gaining ground, Ubuntu is going to cannibalize the Android market and not sink into the Windows phone or iOS markets.I'd rather see an Ubuntu launcher.
How's the multi-lingual aspect? Can you easily use any language in any app or for sending text messages? I use mostly English / Korean / Japanese. iPhone and Windows Phone seem to work. Blackberry does Korean and English only. Android phones are a complete crapshoot.
So it started already, desktop programs on the phone for seamless transition between desktop and a phone with 2 sets of interfaces for touch and desktop!
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