Heh, yeah, it's been released for a while, so I'm not sure where the information for this headline came...
To be fair though, I would say this headline is correct. I am on Ubuntu 8.04 (I can never wait, even though I was telling myself to wait for a month before updating), and it does feel very beta-ish in many places. PulseAudio isn't ready (I'm actually lucky... only capture seems to be a bit temperamental. For many people, PulseAudio is hell.) b43 wireless drivers do work, but much slower than ndiswrapper and the signal level is wrong. Can't fault Ubuntu or the b43 team for that, but the fact is that wireless doesn't work as well as it should (most end users don't care why things do not work; only that they do not work.) In fact, I do realize that I am lucky. I've heard that some people can't even boot up from the Live CD because of b43. My clock is missing the year (For example, right now, I see Tue May 6, 2:40:57 AM). A few more bugs here and there, but hey, I paid nothing so I'm not complaining. The install process has gotten better. For Gutsy, I'd boot up from the CD and delete a file that checks for formatted partitions, then install. This way, I could reinstall Gutsy without backing up (reckless, I know.) Now, Hardy will just wipe out directories like /var and so on, while preserving /home. (I realize that it is half-sad that I give credit to Ubuntu for this... this should have been done a decade ago.)