UDMA100 or SCSI?


Jan 10, 2001
I am going to buy a 2nd hard disk but dont know whether to get the IBM 75GXP or the IBM 36LZX. How much faster will the SCSI disk be? The main work Im doing involces reading through 4Gb of files sequentially(no random access). The SCSI adapter I have is ADAPTEC AHA2930U. I have a Intel 440BX motherboard. Basically I dont want to spend a lot more on a SCSI drive if its only like 10% faster. Thanks for any advice.
I have IBM 75gxp 30G with the Promise 100 controller card and i love it. I think in your case scsi is a waist of money. If you want to improve your performance you might want to try RAID 0 with 2 of those IBM. Most likely wont be much more then one good scsi HD but it will be much more storage though
for mainly that you won't even see 10% difference.. the two drive models have about the same STR. You can notice a difference in the Access times.. but it's minimal. And I don't think it's worth 22$/perG for the LZX compared to around the 6$/perG you pay for the 75GXP (plus a little because I'd advise a controller card for at least ATA66..ATA 100 controllers are fairly inexpensive now. The ATA 33 southbridge of the BX may hinder the GXP a little..and I think the controller cards handle DMA better anyways at least a little).

***Hey I run Intel... but let's get real***
Excellent choice!

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