UK Builders - Experience With Retailers? (First Time Builder About to order)


Jan 26, 2015
Hey guys,

I was hoping for some feedback on the different retailers we have in the UK. Being an eternal pessimist I go into this thinking i'll get at least one shoddy part when I order my rig and ideally I want to order from retailers for whom customer service is a strength, if things aren't broken now they may and when/if the time comes to call on the retailer I don't want to be caught in a hole I can't get out of.

I was about ready to pull the trigger but read some horror stories about Aria PC in particular which shakes me a bit since I would be getting my CPU, Mobo AND Graphics card from there (based on cheapest price)

I don't mind stretching my budget a bit for peace of mind but I don't know if I'm being silly or not. I imagine you could find horror stories from people about every retailer it's just I came across a fair few ones regarding Aria.

Just looking for recommendations/experiences/opinions of our various retailers, included a bunch of them below.

Help would be much appreciated as I hope to order tonight :)

P.S Sorry if this is in the wrong area or isn't a question for these forums..

Aria PC
Overclockers UK