UK Retailer Pegs Black Galaxy S III for October Launch

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Apr 23, 2008
64gb model now the only question is will it be $100 or $200 more than the 32gb model. I find it insane how much you end up paying most times for the increase in storage on phones, I am looking at you Apple.


I have an iPhone IVs with 64gb of storage. It's way overkill ...for me....and my phones lack of Flash and comparatively smallish screen have finally begun to overtake its great simplicity. I may have to leave the V alone in favor of something with a better screen and Flash. Too bad the Razor Max's screen leaves a lot to be desired.
[citation][nom]Halcyon[/nom]I have an iPhone IVs with 64gb of storage. It's way overkill ...for me....and my phones lack of Flash and comparatively smallish screen have finally begun to overtake its great simplicity. I may have to leave the V alone in favor of something with a better screen and Flash. Too bad the Razor Max's screen leaves a lot to be desired.[/citation]
The Maxx is a year old, but even back then, the screen was not something to behold. The SGS3 has a great screen and storage, including microSD card support. You could easily get a 16 or 32 Gb version and complement it with some extra storage with a card, should you need it. At least you get the flexibility to do so, unlike, for instance, iPhone or OneX. The Galaxy Nexus did not have additional storage, either, but that is also an old phone.
Personally, I am waiting to see the next generation of Nexus phones (rumor has it, there will be more than one). In that case, whichever manufacturer comes out with the features you're looking for, you still get a Nexus.


Aug 25, 2010
I used a galaxy s3 for 15 minutes and don't see what the fuss is all about. The thing felt cheap and fragile, had zero quality to it whatsoever. Samsuck really doesn't understand how to make quality products. Sure, it can steal look from Apple, but it can't hit the level of luxury. It's like Samsuck got a nice screen and covered it in a plastic shell with a ton of cheap parts.

No idea why anyone gets suckered into Samsuck products. Android Incan understand - anti social kids can claim to be "unique rebels" by raging against the top dog in apple, but there has yet to be a true iPhone competitor. Here's hoping the new Lumia rocks, because Apple really has no competition.


Aug 17, 2010
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]I used a galaxy s3 for 15 minutes and don't see what the fuss is all about. The thing felt cheap and fragile, had zero quality to it whatsoever. Samsuck really doesn't understand how to make quality products. Sure, it can steal look from Apple, but it can't hit the level of luxury. It's like Samsuck got a nice screen and covered it in a plastic shell with a ton of cheap parts.No idea why anyone gets suckered into Samsuck products. Android Incan understand - anti social kids can claim to be "unique rebels" by raging against the top dog in apple, but there has yet to be a true iPhone competitor. Here's hoping the new Lumia rocks, because Apple really has no competition.[/citation]

Well, can we ever expect any other opinion from you, "getreal"? not really.
I have tried the SGSIII also, and compared to other android phones, much better, is even lighter than the iPhone, the animations are fluid, a really nice and sleek design, but unfortunately beauty is on the eye of the beholder. You don't like it, I do. The elcosure doesn't have to be made from a shiny material that's gonna break with one fall and can be easily scratched. Luxury? can you define how does something look luxurious? because it's shiny or because it has an Apple? or because of a round corner?


Sep 2, 2010
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]I used a galaxy s3 for 15 minutes and don't see what the fuss is all about. The thing felt cheap and fragile, had zero quality to it whatsoever. Samsuck really doesn't understand how to make quality products. Sure, it can steal look from Apple, but it can't hit the level of luxury. It's like Samsuck got a nice screen and covered it in a plastic shell with a ton of cheap parts.No idea why anyone gets suckered into Samsuck products. Android Incan understand - anti social kids can claim to be "unique rebels" by raging against the top dog in apple, but there has yet to be a true iPhone competitor. Here's hoping the new Lumia rocks, because Apple really has no competition.[/citation]
Fyi, depending on which source you use, Android has around 2x the users of iOS. Enjoy your you hear an echo when you click through the WP app store?

15 minutes and u judge something?

Not that I care about Apple or other brands.


Jul 22, 2009
I was setting up somebody's Galaxy S III the other day. The first thing you need to get over is the size of the screen, absolutely huge if you're used to an iPhone or Lumia 800. It's a very attractive phone, and it'll probably survive a fall far better than a certain other manufacturer's phone which has glass either side. How much is "luxury" (debatable, by the way) going to help when you have a sharp intake of breath when it takes its inevitable tumble? I'm liking the brushed metal effect you get with the S III (including the black version), and plastic isn't always bad.
[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]I used a galaxy s3 for 15 minutes ... blah....[/citation]
- "Level of luxury", right, a glass-made brick-shaped is luxury to you, but to most (more than 60%, actually) is just a glass-made, brick-shaped object. Not to mention fragile, and too heavy for it's dimensions, esp. the tiny screen. You need to learn that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and this is where we move on to the next low on your part:
- name-calling, again, really? I thought recess was over, and this forum was for people that can elevate the discussion past the name-calling point; we got it ages ago, since your first posts, that you have a personal problem with Samsung and it's products, but I recommend you throw away all your electronics, including your precious little iPhone, because it has Sammy's components all over and inside it.
- "Android Incan understand"... No, we can not understand that. Some spelling classes might be in order here?...
- " raging against the top dog"... the only person raging here is you, for whatever reason is that. Why don't you tell us once and for all what has Samsung, or Google's OS, ever done to you personally, so we can finally understand your PTSD and maybe offer you some specialized help. Confession can be cathartic, also.
- I sure hope too that the next Lumia rocks, albeit for different reasons than you, and I certainly hope they will not hold back on their features, like I feel they've done with the previous Lumia crop.
- like others have said already, 15 mins with a device is hardly enough, esp. when you come loaded with preconceptions like yours.
- there are plenty of phones out there that are Apple's competition; in fact, every other phone that is not bearing the fruity logo represents competition. We know Apple can't stand competition, and secretly nor can you, because any phone that has come out recently has better specs than the iPhone, yet you keep denying it. In your eyes, a true iPhone competitor would be a phone with a tiny screen and made of glass in the shape of a brick, but in that case you would cry foul all-over yourself. It's like meeting a beautiful girl and falling for her (or a handsome boy, if you swing that way) and then any other is being compared to her and failing that comparison; the only one that would be as beautiful in your eyes would be her twin sister. This is how mind works, get over it and admit that the rest of the world sees it differently. Your logic fails here.
- your logic fails once again - you say "it had zero quality to it", but then say "nice screen". To everyone, "nice" implies some degree of quality. Please, stop embarrassing yourself like that. Even with the benefit of the doubt conferred by the low-level name-calling post, this logical self-immolation is just a tad too much.

[citation][nom]silverblue[/nom]I was setting up somebody's Galaxy S III the other day. The first thing you need to get over is the size of the screen, absolutely huge if you're used to an iPhone or Lumia 800. It's a very attractive phone, and it'll probably survive a fall far better than a certain other manufacturer's phone which has glass either side. How much is "luxury" (debatable, by the way) going to help when you have a sharp intake of breath when it takes its inevitable tumble? I'm liking the brushed metal effect you get with the S III (including the black version), and plastic isn't always bad.[/citation]
Yes, it is a nice phone, but my beef with Sammy is that they should have released this version along with the rest. Now, this will be due for launch very close to the next crop of Nexus phone(s), and Samsung should have been hard at work on their Nexus version, instead of this. That being said, it will sell pretty good, I am sure, as no other phone on the market has similar specs right now.


Jul 14, 2009
Yes, it is a nice phone, but my beef with Sammy is that they should have released this version along with the rest. Now, this will be due for launch very close to the next crop of Nexus phone(s), and Samsung should have been hard at work on their Nexus version, instead of this.

Somehow, I doubt slapping some more memory chips in the phone and painting it a different color occupied significant amounts of time by all the best engineers at Samsung thus adversely affecting other projects.


[citation][nom]house70[/nom]The Maxx is a year old, but even back then, the screen was not something to behold....[/citation]
Yeah, I had mentioned the Razor Maxx, as opposed to some new phones, because I really did appreciate its build materials and build quality. I believe that Samsung and HTC have high build quality as well, but I really did like the Maxx's build material as well as its forever battery life. If they'd gotten the screen right too that'd have been a real winner for me.

[citation][nom]getreal[/nom]I used a galaxy s3 for 15 minutes and don't see what the fuss is all about. The thing felt cheap and fragile....[/citation]
I can't agree or disagree with your statement but I really do have a fear of unhealthy fear. Build materials and build quality are everything to me and Samsung's alleged continued resistance to using the higher quality build materials in their phones to save $1 doesn't bode well with me. ...otherwise they make a great my opinion.


Jun 20, 2011
I am owner the original Galaxy and its a very durable phone. Considering the amount of times I have dropped it, thrown it and banged on it. Its held up to my abuse.

The S3 Galaxy is a very sturdy phone. The screen is made from Gorilla Glass. The glass in nearly unbreakable. It makes the phone very sturdy. Hopefully it can take my abuse from me ;)



Gorilla glass is great, it or something stronger should be the standard with anything less being illegal, as far as I'm concerned. I never meant to insinuate that the S3 is cheap, however, I also don't think it feels as high quality as it could for the money either. ...and I believe if Samsung had chosen to forego the plastic casing in favor of higher-quality materials (i.e., some strengthened alloy, kevlar (see Motorola Razor) etc.) it would help the phone feel as high quality as it is technically. may even be more durable.

However, I can only assume that the majority of the market would rather save $2-5/phone and have it be plastic. I don't fit into that group. I have a thing for higher-end build materials...always have. It would be hard for me to purchase a phone or laptop with a plastic case...even if plastic made it less expensive.


Oct 5, 2009
[citation][nom]victorintelr[/nom]Well, can we ever expect any other opinion from you, "getreal"? not really.I have tried the SGSIII also, and compared to other android phones, much better, is even lighter than the iPhone, the animations are fluid, a really nice and sleek design, but unfortunately beauty is on the eye of the beholder. You don't like it, I do. The elcosure doesn't have to be made from a shiny material that's gonna break with one fall and can be easily scratched. Luxury? can you define how does something look luxurious? because it's shiny or because it has an Apple? or because of a round corner?[/citation]

I agreed that Samsung hardware do have a cheap feel to it. I used to the have a Samsung's no comparison to the Lumia.


Plastics can be made to not feel cheap, but its easier for higher-end materials to be made to not feel cheap. ...and that is why I don't understand Samsung's love for plastics. Are they really saving that much money? As I said, I'd be more than willing to pay more for higher-end materials. Its relative though. Since some of the competition uses higher-end materials I'd like to see the same from Samsung.

I have MiFis from each of the 3 major US carriers and they're all plastic/rubberized plastic and I suppose its fine. However, my iPhone, despite its obvious shortcomings, doesn't want for quality build materials. of the few things I still really appreciate about it.


Jul 22, 2009
[citation][nom]house70[/nom]Yes, it is a nice phone, but my beef with Sammy is that they should have released this version along with the rest. Now, this will be due for launch very close to the next crop of Nexus phone(s), and Samsung should have been hard at work on their Nexus version, instead of this. That being said, it will sell pretty good, I am sure, as no other phone on the market has similar specs right now.[/citation]
Reminds me of the Sega Saturn in Japan; they had no intention of releasing a black model to start with.
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